The Variant inv (2) (p11.2q13) Is a Genuinely Recurrent …
Despite their being cytogenetically homogeneous, we have identified four different breakpoint combinations by fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping of 40 cases of inv (2) (p11.2q13) of European origin.
乘法逆元 - OI Wiki
本文介绍模意义下乘法运算的逆元(Modular Multiplicative Inverse),并介绍如何使用扩展欧几里德算法(Extended Euclidean algorithm)求解乘法逆元。 如果一个线性同余方程 ,则 称为 的逆元,记作 。 扩展欧几里得法和求解 线性同余方程 是一个原理,在这里不展开解释。 因为 ; 所以 (根据 费马小定理); 所以 。 然后我们就可以用快速幂来求了。 注意:快速幂法使用了 费马小定理,要求 是一个素数;而扩展欧几里得法只要求 。 求出 中每个数关于质数 的逆元。 如果 …
不想说第二遍:关于染色体核型多态性的问题,以及倒位与多态性 …
inv(Y)(p11.2q11.2),即Y染色体臂间倒位。 如果你携带上述倒位,但只经历过1-2次原因不明的妊娠丢失,先不用急着。 因为你的妊娠丢失未必就是你携带的倒位造成的。
[笔记]模意义下的乘法逆元 - Sinktank - 博客园
2024年4月22日 · 扩展欧几里得算法本质上是辗转相除法(欧几里得算法)的扩展,其内容是:对于两个整数 a,b a,b,必有 x,y x,y 使得 ax+by= (a,b) ax+by = (a,b)。 怎么与逆元挂钩呢? 我们设模 p p 意义下 a^ {-1}=x a−1 =x,那么有 a*x\equiv 1\pmod p a∗x ≡1 (mod p),即 ax=py+1 ax=py+1,由于 y y 可正可负,我们可以 ax+py=1 ax+py =1。 刚才提到了 ^ 模 p p 意义下 a^ {-1} a−1 存在的充分必要条件是 (a,p)=1 (a,p) =1,所以其实 ax+py= (a,p) ax+py =(a,p)。 满足扩展 …
inv(2)(p23q13) RANBP2/ALK t(2;2)(p23;q13) RANBP2/ALK
2014年11月1日 · The inv(2)(p23q13) is an example of two variants involving ALK gene at 2p23 and RANBP2 gene at 2q13, inv(2) and t(2;2). The RANBP2/ALK fusion combined with monosomy 7 is associated with myeloid malignancies. This chromosomal rearrangement has also been observed in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMT).
Prenatal cytogenetic assessment and inv (2) (p11.2q13) - PubMed
Our study, and data from the literature, suggests that most cases of inv (2) (p11.2q13) have been stably inherited, that de novo cases of inv (2) are rare and that both inherited and de novo forms are without phenotypic or developmental consequences. We …
Inv(2)(p23q35) in anaplastic large-cell lymphoma induces …
2000年3月15日 · The non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) subtype anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL) is frequently associated with a t(2;5)(p23;q35) that results in the fusion of the ubiquitously expressed nucleophosmin (NPM) gene at 5q35 to the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene at 2p23, which is not normally expressed …
Is classic pericentric inversion of chromosome 2 inv(2)(p11q13 ...
2009年10月1日 · Of these, the classic pericentric inversion of chromosome 2, inv(2)(p11q13), is the main rearrangement in chromosome 2. In the literature this inversion is not linked to an increased risk of live birth with mental retardation and/or congenital abnormalities, but a twofold risk of spontaneous miscarriage 1 , 4 was associated with unbalanced ...
The variant inv(2)(p11.2q13) is a genuinely recurrent ... - PubMed
Human chromosome 2 contains large blocks of segmental duplications (SDs), both within and between proximal 2p and proximal 2q, and these may contribute to the frequency of the common variant inversion inv(2)(p11.2q13). Despite their being cytogenetically homogeneous, we have identified four differen …
The Variant inv (2) (p11.2q13) Is a Genuinely Recurrent …
2007年4月23日 · Despite their being cytogenetically homogeneous, we have identified four different breakpoint combinations by fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping of 40 cases of inv (2) (p11.2q13) of European origin.
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