Should I side with Iorveth or Roche in Witcher 2? : r/witcher - Reddit
2021年4月2日 · Even if you go with Iorveth in TW2, Geralt and Roche are still on friendly terms at the end of the game, so there was no need to change much when they meet again in TW3. In fact, the whole idea that the Roche path is canon in TW3 seems to be based on the fact that Roche appears in the third game while Iorveth is nowhere to be seen.
Where is Iorveth? :: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt General Discussions
I picked Iorveth's path and yet I have to be all friendly towards Roche in W3 and wonder why he even talks to me. While I agree that if you sided with Iorveth roche being nice to you wouldnt make a whole lot of sense. They atleast should have made it so if you picked the iorveth path roche would act differeantly towards you in the witcher 3.
Best path - Roche or Iorveth, for Witcher 3? (minor spoilers)
2015年5月31日 · The first time I played Witcher 2 (when it was released) I chose Roche's path at the critical moment (just before Act II). I never did keep my save games though because: One, I didn't think a Witcher 3 would be made and Two, did not think it would transfer previous saves if there were. In my second play through now I've found myself making different decisions from those that I remember making ...
where is iorveth in witcher 3? : r/witcher - Reddit
2022年1月7日 · Parts of this main-game quest also got transferred over to Hearts of Stone, as Master Mirror was originally in the base game. Anyway Iorveth is looking for a cure to the plague as it's hurting Mahakam (nonhuman stronghold), so he makes an uneasy alliance with Roche Ves and Thaler. Ves would've also gotten some additional character development.
What is best? Iorveth's route or Roche's route? : r/witcher - Reddit
2022年1月28日 · Iorveth doesn't get mentioned a single time in The Witcher 3 beyond a casual name drop during a single side-quest, whereas Roche appears in the main quest line to The Witcher 3. All your political and social decisions in Witcher …
[Spoilers] Why should you choose Iorveth's Path? : r/witcher - Reddit
2014年7月5日 · Iorveth fights for elves freedom and is racist against Humans, he helped in the assasination of Foltest. Roache fights for the pleasure of killing, he is racist against elves, he helped laying siege to the La Valette and in that helped with the murder of thousands of people and also tortured some for information.
Roche or Iorveth - I am stuck : r/witcher - Reddit
2021年12月28日 · - Iorveth is a terrorist, he hates all humans and his people kill indiscriminately, which makes them similar to the humans - Iorveth only cares about his fight truly, when faced with the consequences for others like those three women-elves …
Which side do I choose, Vernon Roche or Iorveth??
iorveth:-easier chapter 3-longer chapter 2-iorveth is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ even though he fights for a "good" cause-less information about the curse, more information on other things like saskia etc.-the probably most sucky part of the game (spectral battle) is easier-vergen is pretty but more complicated to navigate roche:
My opinion on Roche vs Iorveth after playing both sides
2023年7月24日 · And Iorveth path gives chance to leave Flotsam right away to search for Triss asap. Geralt doesn't really care about Loredo. And from gameplay side - Iorveth path has some of the best, funniest dialogue and most satisfying quests in the whole game. Iorveth monologue if you chose to fake his arrest and lead him tied to the barge is my favorite. P.s.
How do you choose Iorveth’s path? : r/witcher - Reddit
2021年7月6日 · If Iorveth is already captured, Geralt storms the barge with some generic squirrel warriors. But if he isn't, then they'll come up with a ruse, pretending that Geralt's captured Iorveth himself. But yeah, the sword choice doesn't close out either of the paths and doesn't change anything in the subsequent chapters.