What is IPAP like? - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2015年7月30日 · What a typical day at IPAP was like? Phase 1 (San Antonio, TX) Death by powerpoint from 0800 to 1700 (you often get "study time" which means you get out early, this …
IPAP Experience - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2017年4月26日 · IPAP is definitely not a "fast track" to a PA career... I think the Guard recruiters try to sell IPAP as the ultimate deal - no student debt and back in civilian practice soon after …
how long will I have to serve as an HM before applying to IPAP?
2018年9月25日 · Pipeline for IPAP is tough, but if you press your LPO and Chief they should be able to help you complete the application and send it up the proverbial flagpole. Surg Tech C …
IPAP Information - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2019年3月12日 · I am currently a SPC in the Michigan Army National Guard. I enlisted in April 2017 and am interested in applying to the IPAP program, and like everyone else, I just had …
How to apply for IPAP - Physician Assistant Forum
2015年2月25日 · By the way, IPAP would do a terrible job of preparing you to serve in the military. That is what basic training and the various commissioning sources are for. They expect you to …
IPAP Expectations - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2017年11月2日 · IPAP is fast paced and time consuming. Saying that it is very do able, if you put the time in and study. It isn’t easy, but it probably wont be the nightmare that everyone has …
Prerequisites for PA School or IPAP - Physician Assistant Forum
2016年4月12日 · After working as an LPN in the army for a while, I intend to enroll in a PA program in the Army (IPAP) or enroll in a civilian PA school. Now my concern is about the …
Acceptance to IPAP (Army) - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2016年2月26日 · I'm an IPAP grad, 2010 and helped a guy get in in 2012. Your stats look good. It's honestly hard to say what gets picked up each cycle/year. I was a former active duty …
Military IPAP vs Civilian PA Program - Physician Assistant Forum
2008年11月26日 · I have been corresponding with a recruiter and IPAP director about the possibilities of enlisting to apply for IPAP. I have been told that there are waivers for service …
Question regarding IPAP - Military - Physician Assistant Forum
2011年11月6日 · I just Started looking into IPAP as an option, I was determined to get out and do the PA program at a school as a civilian, but now I am very torn. This option provides a great …