Ipko 4g ? : r/kosovo - Reddit
2023年8月4日 · Bojn ofertat qe i ofron ipko se zakonisht kan marreveshje me kompanite e huja po cmimi osht shume shtrejt. Nese ki esim ne telefon munesh me marr airalo edhe tkushton dikun 10-15 euro edhe ki GB ma shume se qka ofrojne kompanite tona. Kta zakonisht e instaloj para se me udhtu veq e aktivizoj kur mrrij ne ate shtet qe mos me pas nevoje me hup ...
Fast & reliable internet providers? : r/kosovo - Reddit
2022年6月19日 · Stick with Ipko because they improved it now 15€/month for 6-8 MB download speed. Any other cheaper alternernative companies will just hook you and increase their prices every 6 months without notice.
Poor Ipko :-( : r/wow - Reddit
2023年2月15日 · WoW has some very good questlines and with this particular one I think we can all relate to times when we might have neglected a loved one because we were too self absorbed in our own feelings.
Interneti me IPKO? : r/kosovo - Reddit
2024年5月10日 · Po as thirrjet nuk po me regjistrohen (IPKO - IPKO). Edhe kur shkoj mu anku gjith ma sillin ndryshe. Prita me mu shliru neti pasi se eshte i 10-ti po hiq 😣😤
Purchasing iPhone 13 on visible website, locked - Reddit
2023年7月27日 · I want to travel to Southeast Europe with iPhone 13. I will Run 2 esims (1)visible and 2)south earstern Europe esim carrier ipko). I need a new iPhone 13 before I go. If visible locks the phones for 60 days, will I be able to activate the ipko esim ? …
Is there any option by vala or ipko to get a esim? : r/kosovo - Reddit
40K subscribers in the kosovo community. Explore Kosova's rich history, culture, sports, cities, and tourism all in one place.
IPTV shqip falas : r/albania - Reddit
2022年9月20日 · 14 votes, 26 comments. Nga ke aplikacion shikoni IPTV shqip o ndeshje live ? Flm shum per sdo pergigje
What company has better mobile services Ipko or Vala ? I'm
2022年3月31日 · 37K subscribers in the kosovo community. Explore Kosova's rich history, culture, sports, cities, and tourism all in one place.
Jak zablokować kogoś w aplikacji bankowej żeby ta osoba nie …
Aplikacja iPKO jest mega dobra, ma mnóstwo różnych oczywistych i nieoczywistych funkcji, bardzo polecam - można tam wrzucić konto z dowolnego banku. Natomiast jeśli czujesz się z tym niekomfortowo, musisz wyraźnie zakomunikować, że nie życzysz sobie żadnych kontaktów z jej strony (chyba że już to zrobiłeś).
Share your IPTV M3U Playlists! : r/PleX - Reddit
2014年9月30日 · So, I got the IPTV Bundle Working on Plex, via the Unsupported Channel Store, but can seem to find a Decent IPTV Playlist with Live TV, was wondering if anyone could share theirs!