How to use MOSFET/IGBT DRIVER IR2110 - Microcontrollers Lab
International rectifiers IR2110 MOSFET driver can be used as a high side and low side MOSFET driver. It has a floating circuit to handle to bootstrap operation. IR2210 can withstand voltage up to 500v (offset voltage). Its output pins can provide peak current up to 2 amperes. It can also be used as an IGBT driver.
The IR2110/IR2113 are high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers with independent high and low side referenced output chan-nels. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies enable 16-Lead SOIC. ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with IR2110/IR2113 standard CMOS or LSTTL output, down to 3.3V logic.
Using the high-low side driver IR2110 - explanation and ... - Blogger
2013年1月20日 · The IR2110 circuit uses VCC (not VDD), the bootstrap diode and the bootstrap capacitor to create the additional required voltage. The capacitor charges to (VCC - Vb)V when the high side MOSFET is on and VS is pulled to ground.
IR2110/IR2113的引脚图、工作原理及其典型应用电路与中文资料 …
2024年12月18日 · IR2110 /IR2113 是一款功率 MOSFET 和 IGBT 驱动器,具有不同的高侧和低侧参考输出通道。 由于采用专有的 HVIC 和锁存免疫 CMOS 技术,坚固的单片架构成为可能。 低至 3.3V 逻辑,逻辑输入与典型的 CMOS 或 LSTTL 输出兼容。 输出驱动器中使用高脉冲电流缓冲级来减少驱动器交叉传导。 传输延迟匹配,使高频应用更容易使用。 浮动通道可用于驱动电压范围为 500 至 600 伏的高侧 N 通道功率 MOSFET 或 IGBT。 • 不受 dV/dt 瞬时电压变化的影响. • …
IR2110 MOSFET Driver : PinOut, Datasheet, Circuit, Working
2024年1月11日 · The following circuit shows the common configuration of IR2110 to drive MOSFET in both high & low-side configurations. The required components to make this circuit mainly include an IR2110 MOSFET Driver IC, two MOSFETs Q1, Q2, diodes D1, D2 & D3, and capacitors C1 to C 4.
IR2110 驱动芯片中文资料 - CSDN博客
2024年10月29日 · 本仓库提供了一份关于ir2110驱动芯片的中文资料,内容涵盖了该芯片的管脚接法、典型的应用电路以及其光电隔离作用。ir2110是一款广泛应用于pwm(脉宽调制)电路中的驱动芯片,具有高可靠性和稳定性,适用于各种电力电子设备。 资源内容
IR2110 Datasheet (PDF) - International Rectifier
The IR2110/IR2113 are high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers with independent high and low side referenced output channels. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL output, down to 3.3V logic.
Arduino IR2110 Based H-Bridge HIGH Voltage Motor Control
The IR2110 is a popular h-bridge half driver. It is designed to drive high voltage MOSFET and IGBT circuits. It does this without the use of p-channel MOSFETs or photovoltaic opto-couplers. The circuit generates HIGH side MOSFET gate voltage from a diode, bootstrap capacitor combination. Related IGBT Based High Voltage H-Bridge DC Motor Control.
IR2110 MOSFET Driver Datasheet, Pinout, Circuit & Equivalents
2019年11月4日 · The IR2110 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver with independent high and low side referenced output channels. Operating supply voltage range for IR2110 is 10 to 20 volt and output current is 2.5A. IR2110 comes in 14 pin through-hole PDIP package and the 16-pin surface mount SOIC package. IR2110 Pin Configuration
Ir2110 Mosfet Driver Circuit Diagram - Wiring Digital and Schematic
2017年9月15日 · The IR2110 mosfet driver circuit is an essential component in any project making use of higher power loads. This type of circuit is used to control the flow of electrical current in devices such as LED drivers, voltage regulators, and low-voltage motor controllers.
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