Irelia/LoL - League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns. A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation.
含羞蓓蕾·莉莉娅,是MOBA竞技网游《英雄联盟》中第149位登场的英雄角色,定位为战士、法师,于10.15版本上线 [1-2]。 在艾欧尼亚,魔法在土地中交织缠络。 有这么一座森林,藏于世外,吸引着许多不同种类的魔法;在这片花园的中心,有一棵大树,用结出的花朵收集人类的梦境。 一次这棵树自己的梦被一朵蓓蕾俘获,并且在绽放之前落到了地上,于是莉莉娅诞生了。 她长成了一只奇异的小鹿,蓓蕾依然顶在头上,唯一的陪伴就是她的树妈妈,还有每晚飘进花园的那些梦境 …
探险家·伊泽瑞尔,是 MOBA 竞技 网游 《英雄联盟》中的一名英雄角色,定位为射手、法师 [1]。 伊泽瑞尔是一名非常灵活飘逸的英雄,双加成的技能使他不但可以走 AD 路线,也能作为法师走 AP 路线。 神采奕奕的冒险家伊泽瑞尔拥有自己不知道的魔法天赋,他搜刮失落已久的古墓,触碰古老的诅咒,还举重若轻地挑战常人不可能完成的极限。 他的勇气和壮举无边无际,总是喜欢随机应变地解决任何情况,一定程度上依赖他的小聪明,但更主要是依赖他神秘的 恕瑞玛 护手, …
伊瑞莉雅 - League of Legends
伊瑞莉雅朝指定方向射出大量劍刃,命中敵方英雄後朝周圍散開,對擊中的敵人造成傷害並標記他們。 接著劍刃會在地上形成一道劍陣,傷害並緩速所有經過的敵人。 《英雄聯盟》是一款注重團隊的策略遊戲,玩家可從超過160名英雄中選出屬於自己的英雄,打出史詩級的精彩表現。 立刻免 …
Irelia Build with Highest Winrate - LoL Runes, Items, and Skill Order
Irelia build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 15.6
Irelia (Character) | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Irelia’s people were peaceful and sought harmony with their neighbors, but rumors of foreign invaders sighted off the coast unsettled many at the Placidium. Irelia returned to her village to find it already occupied, with steel-helmed soldiers from distant Noxus shoving unarmed civilians through the streets with the butts of their spears.
英雄联盟刀锋舞者艾瑞莉娅攻略宝典 - 英雄联盟官方网站 - 腾讯游戏
Irelia Guide - How to Play Irelia in Season S15 - Mobalytics
Use your favourite features in-game with our Desktop App. Irelia·Top Guide. P. Q. W. E. R. Win rate. 50.5% Pick rate. 3.9% Ban rate. 13.1% Matches. 32 165-
Irelia Build: How to play Irelia (Step by Step Guide) - lolvvv
Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and learn how to play Irelia. Irelia – the Blade Dancer – is based on our LoL Top Tier List on patch 14.23 a A -Tier Top champion.
Runes from LoL Esports Pros - Irelia Pro Builds
Irelia mythic item builds and runes. Meta crushing 15 minute updates. Patch 15.6.
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