People's Liberation and Resistance | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادی و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, is a fictional Iranian paramilitary insurgent group based largely in the Middle East, although …
People's Liberation and Resistance | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادیبخش و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, are the main antagonists of Battlefield 3. It is an Iranian paramilitary insurgent …
Iran - Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The US invades Iran with over fifty-thousand Marines to combat the PLR, starting with air strikes over Tehran, one of which was aimed to try and kill Al-Bashir at Mehrabad Airport. However, …
War of 2014 - Battlefield Wiki
Shortly after the PLR seizes power, the United States responds by sending fifty-thousand Marines to Iran. The US Navy and Air Force commence airstrikes over Tehran as the opening shots of …
Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces - Wikipedia
The Iranian Armed Forces, [a] officially the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces, [b] are the combined military forces of Iran, comprising the Islamic Republic of Iran Army (Artesh), the …
Which battlefield is in Iran? - SplicedOnline
2024年12月7日 · Players will find themselves fighting on the streets of Tehran, the capital city of Iran, in a desperate attempt to quell the growing insurgency. The game’s storyline features a …
Tabela IR PLR: Entenda qual o desconto do IR na PLR
Veja a tabela IR PLR e entenda como ocorre a incidência de imposto de renda sobre a participação nos lucros e resultados (PLR).
Nova tabela progressiva do IR atualiza faixa de isenção da PLR; …
2024年3月6日 · A faixa de isenção atual da PLR é de R$ 7.404,11 e passará a ser de R$ 7.640,80. As outras faixas de tributação permanecem iguais. Veja a tabela válida para o IR 2025:
Calculadora PLR Bancários 2024 | MinhaPLR
Com o MinhaPLR você conseguirá simular o valor da PLR Caixa 2024, PLR Itaú 2024, PLR Bradesco 2024 ou PLR Santander 2024. Além disso, a nosso simulador permite calcular o …
Veja o que mudou no Imposto de Renda da PLR
2023年9月4日 · De acordo com a nova tabela IR PLR 2023, portanto, quem receber até R$ 7.407,11, a partir de maio, estará isento de pagar imposto de renda. A partir deste valor, as …