What WPM do *you* consider to be fast? : r/MechanicalKeyboards …
My usual speed is around 70~90 wpm, which is sufficient for most of my needs (programming doesn't actually require fast typing speeds). Being able to type as quickly as you can think is good for getting a rough draft of an essay down, because you can type a few fragments and then go "<fill in details about X event>".
People who can type over 90WPM, how did you improve your …
2014年11月17日 · I reach 75-80 wpm. I can reach 90 if the words I'm set to type are easy (word's whose letters don't require me to use the same finger more than once, like 'point'). When I attempt to type fast, I look one word ahead of the word I'm typing and am consistent with doing that until the timer runs out. I'll then average 80–90wpm
im stuck at 90 wpm how do I improve : r/typing - Reddit
2022年11月8日 · At 90 wpm you probably just need practice. I’m not sure what’s holding you back but here’s a few things to keep in mind: make sure you’re over 96% accuracy (arbitrary mark you can set for yourself), make sure you’re reading 1 or 2 words ahead if you’re practicing speed, and lastly, how consistent can you be while doing the previous ...
What is considered fast : r/typing - Reddit
2022年8月31日 · edit: here's a graph to illustrate what I'm trying to say. notice that there's a big drop around 70 WPM. this what I estimate to be the point where the majority of people (like 90-95%) can't improve much due to possibly a lack of good …
Stuck at 90 wpm : r/typing - Reddit
2021年6月19日 · Some people can do fast typing with less fingers but most people can't. Just relearn typing starting with 10 fingers and try to use at least 6. Even the people who can type fast with little fingers would benefit from using more.
I just got 90 wpm for the first time : r/MechanicalKeyboards - Reddit
2021年4月19日 · Travel distance kills my wpm. Once you are an extremely fast typist the travel length becomes compounding on each stroke slowing you down. I type about 120-150 wpm with two finger and my thumb on my laptop and like 90 wpm on my mz cherry brown cooler master.
How do I reach 120-140 WPM? Currently, stuck at 90-100WPM
2021年5月5日 · Yeah man, I am not sure what I should be doing different. Some people are crazy literally getting 130-150 WPM consistently. I think being deliberate, practicing for 15-30 minutes everyday and practicing complex words etc. will be key.
How to improve past 90wpm? : r/typing - Reddit
2020年3月7日 · Keep doing what you're doing, and you'll most likely see slowly-accumulating incremental gains. If you feel like taking a risk, try making a qualitative change e.g. changing your technique by using different fingers.
Typing 100 wpm + on monkey type : r/typing - Reddit
2023年2月12日 · Your accuracy is super low. 90% is bad. I'd rather type 90 wpm with 98.5% than 120 wpm with 90%. All of those missed words tell me you should probably practice problem words. But you have really fast fingers and can bang away. I think if you just worked at accuracy and practiced harder word lists with punctuation, you could be great.
How to get My typing speed get past 90 WPM? : r/typing - Reddit
2023年12月2日 · I use 10fastfingers to check my typing speed and I am stuck in between 80-90 WPM for the past 2 or 3 months. Is there something I have to do extra to find an improvement. Someone said using Ctrl+Backspace (Deleting the whole word instead of deleting and correcting the wrong word) Instead of using Backspace to type, if you are want to go past 80 ...