What is the difference between "okay with" and "okay for"?
2015年8月27日 · 1) Is definitely most common in common usage. 'Okay with' most commonly confirms politely that the person is willing to/comfortable with helping. 'Okay to' might imply …
word usage - Using "fine" instead of "okay." - English Language ...
2021年1月13日 · But my opinion of this context is that Things are okay, but I wouldn't go so far as to say everything is fine could be a perfectly reasonable thing to say (the situation is at least …
Meaning of "That's okay" - English Language Learners Stack …
2015年6月10日 · B: That's okay, don't worry about it. In the example sentence you have given, people would more often say I'm okay, which is the same as I'm good and is basically just an …
grammar - Is 'Kay a shortened form of Okay? - English Language …
2023年7月20日 · It's worth noting that there are other, deliberate, alternate forms of saying 'okay', such as "okie dokie". The TV show South Park also popularised saying "mmm'kay". It's …
word usage - When to use "alright" and when to use "okay"?
2015年9月6日 · When we say okay I presume it gives a sense of satisfactory response but a "not specially good" hidden in there somewhere also. The sense of the words may differ that alright …
"I'm OK with it" VS "It's OK with me"
2021年8月29日 · Perhaps "It's okay with me." would be how you respond if you were being asked for your approval. "I'm okay with it." is how you would respond if you were being asked your …
"I'm in" meaning? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年7月4日 · A: Okay! Great! Tonight! Burgundy Bistro. 8:00 and I'll wear a red scarf. B: I'll wear a Raiders cap. A: Well, the Niners would be better, but okay. Oh, wait, you're not hiding a …
word request - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2015年10月3日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
grammaticality - Sure Vs For Sure , the difference - English …
2018年6月13日 · The only difference I can think of in your exact context is that For sure is more likely to be the response from a non-native speaker (but it''s not a reliable indicator, to be sure).
What else can we say instead of "I see" or "I understand"?
2015年1月31日 · I am not sure but I find "I see" or "I understand" is little bit formal. I am not sure close friends say each other "I see" a lot. I could be wrong, though. It sounds more like a …