IS-2 - Wikipedia
The IS-2 (Russian: ИС-2, sometimes romanized as JS-2 [note 1]) is a Soviet heavy tank, the second of the IS tank series named after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It was developed …
IS-2重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
約瑟夫·斯大林2型重型坦克 (IS-2), 又稱JS-2 (Josef Stalin 2)重型坦克,是蘇聯的一款 二戰 重型坦克。 IS-2是以 約瑟夫·斯大林 的名字命名的。 [6] 它的出現主要是因為原本的KV重坦系列已 …
IS-2重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-2重型坦克(英文:IS-2 Heavy Tank),是20世纪40年代苏联研制装备的一种重型坦克。 IS-2重型坦克车体和炮塔分别采用铸造和焊接结构,主要武器是一门122毫米火炮,火炮身管长 …
IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · An up-gunned version of the IS-1, the IS-2 was the main Russian heavy tank of 1944, replacing the KV-1 and variants. It was armed with a 122 mm gun.
IS-2 Heavy Tank - HistoryNet
2019年8月26日 · The new heavy tank that resulted was named the Iosip (Joseph) Stalin, and the first production version, the IS-2, first saw combat in April 1944. Joining it later were two …
IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS tanks (Russian: ИС) were a series of heavy tanks developed as a successor to the KV-series by the Soviet Union during World War II. The IS acronym is the anglicized initialism of …
Iosif Stalin II (1943) - tank-afv.com
As the escalation between German and Russian engineers reached a new point with the introduction on the German side of the Panther and Tiger, and the knowledge that something …
Soviet Hammer: IS-2 Tank - Blogger
The IS-2 was one of the first production Soviet tanks to remove the traditional second driver/hull machine gunner from the bow of the tank, providing additional space for fuel tanks. In place of …
IS2 TANK – Heavy Soviet Tank Beast (Object 240) - Real History …
2021年5月11日 · IS2 (Object 240) – Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War, was the most powerful and most heavily armored tanks of the Soviet and allied tanks of the war period, …
IS-2 Heavy Tank ( Object 240 )
The IS-2 is the best assault tank (thanks to the enormous power of the 122-mm cannon) and one of the most powerful tanks of the Great Patriotic War. The IS-2 was the most powerful and …