Indian Society for Clinical Research
The Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR) is an association of clinical research professionals registered under the Societies Registration Act (1860).
2023年7月1日 · 该研究创新性地建立了对TnpB相关靶向基因编辑系统的大规模挖掘方法,并首次对多样性极其丰富的TnpB核酸酶进行了大规模挖掘,从而鉴定到了33个在原核系统具有靶向编辑活性的TnpB蛋白,其中5个在真核系统具有活性。 干细胞是器官制造的重要细胞来源,中国科学院动物研究所顾奇与国家干细胞资源库吴骏、华东理工大学郭美锦合作,开发一种以透明质酸 (HA)为核心材料的新型微载体,实现hESC衍生的间充质干细胞(IMRCs)的规模化扩增,最高产量 …
IscR, an Fe-S cluster-containing transcription factor, represses ... - PNAS
2001年12月11日 · IscR (iron-sulfur cluster regulator) is encoded by an ORF located immediately upstream of genes coding for the Escherichia coli Fe-S cluster assembly proteins, IscS, IscU, and IscA. IscR shares ami...
2025 Conference - iscrsociety.org
2025年3月10日 · The 3rd Conference of the International Society for Contemplative Research will take place from November 3 – 6, 2025! We are thrilled to announce that the conference will take place at the Friday Conference Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a space that fosters exploration, connection, and innovation.
Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences
The Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences (ISCR - UMR CNRS 6226) is a mixed research unit supported by CNRS, Université de Rennes, Ecole supérieure de chimie de Rennes, INSA Rennes.
Institute For Stem Cell And Regeneration,CAS - iscr.ac.cn
They found that aberrant expression of placenta-related genes is the key driver and molecular biomarker of cellular aging. This research discovery deeply improves our current knowledge of organ aging mechanims and lays a solid basis for establishing early alert and prevention strategy for aging and related diseases.
IscR,一种含Fe-S簇的转录因子,可抑制编码Fe-S簇组装蛋白的大 …
IscR,一种含Fe-S簇的转录因子,可抑制编码Fe-S簇组装蛋白的大肠杆菌基因的表达。 IscR(铁硫簇调节剂)由位于编码大肠杆菌Fe-S簇装配蛋白,IscS,IscU和IscA的基因上游的ORF编码。 IscR与MarA / SoxS / Rob转录因子家族的成员MarA具有氨基酸相似性。 在这项研究中,我们发现IscR充当iscRSUA操纵子的阻遏物,因为为iscR删除的菌株增加了该操纵子的表达。 另外,体外转录反应在抑制iscR启动子中确立了IscR的直接作用。 通过电子顺磁共振对IscR的分析表明, …
Indian Society for Clinical Research
I am pleased to invite you to the 18th Annual Conference of Indian Society For Clinical Research (ISCR), ...
Global ISCR Directory
The international society for rehabilitation of cancer (iscr) is an international academic organization founded by Dr. Patricia kongshavn, Professor Francesco Carli, Professor Shi Hanping and other experts from the United States, Canada, European countries and China in …