Studies of IscR reveal a unique mechanism for metal-dependent
2013年5月5日 · IscR from Escherichia coli is an unusual metalloregulator in that both apo and iron sulfur (Fe-S)-IscR regulate transcription and exhibit different DNA binding specificities.
ISCR elements: novel gene-capturing systems of the 21st century?
在临床上,ISCR最令人担忧的方面是,它们越来越与更有效的抗药性实例相关联,例如,铜绿假单胞菌中的金属β-内酰胺酶和嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌中的复方新诺明抗性。 此外,如果ISCR元件确 …
ISCR Elements Are Key Players in IncA/C Plasmid Evolution ...
IS CR elements are now recognized as powerful antibiotic resistance gene capture and movement systems that are also capable of constructing extended clusters of antibiotic …
IscR, an Fe-S cluster-containing transcription factor, represses ... - PNAS
2001年12月11日 · IscR (i ron- s ulfur c luster r egulator) is encoded by an ORF located immediately upstream of genes coding for the Escherichia coli Fe-S cluster assembly proteins, …
IscR Regulation of Capsular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis and Iron …
2014年9月19日 · IscR, an Fe–S cluster-containing transcriptional factor, regulates genes involved in various cellular processes. In response to environmental stimuli such as oxidative stress …
A transcriptional regulator, IscR, of Burkholderia multivorans …
2020年12月1日 · Here, we clarified that Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616 relies on the ISC system for the biosynthesis of Fe–S clusters, and that the biosynthetic genes are organized as …
The Iron-Sulphur Cluster Biosynthesis Regulator IscR Contributes …
In the present study, we showed that IscR regulated the isc operon for [Fe-S] biogenesis under both physiological and stress-induced conditions. In addition, iscR is also important in …
Imaging Core---Institute For Stem Cell And Regeneration,CAS
As a comprehensive optical imaging platform, the imaging core is mainly composed of a confocal laser scanning microscope, a two-photon microscope, a super-high-resolution microscope, a …
Dichiarazioni di responsabilità e ricoveri indennizzati
I minori titolari di indennità di accompagnamento e dell’indennità di frequenza devono presentare il modello ICRIC, per dichiarare eventuali periodi di ricovero. I minori tra i 5 e 16 anni devono …
IscR, an Fe-S cluster-containing transcription factor ... - PubMed
2001年12月18日 · IscR (iron-sulfur cluster regulator) is encoded by an ORF located immediately upstream of genes coding for the Escherichia coli Fe-S cluster assembly proteins, IscS, IscU, …
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