ISET®, Isolation by SizE of Tumor Cells, is based on the antibody-independent whole blood filtration approach for CTCs and micro-emboli isolation. The solution relies on the larger size of all types of CTCs as compared to the majority of leukocytes.
循环肿瘤细胞富集技术详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
微流体芯片技术基于亲和性富集法分离ctc时,芯片内部的微通道或微结构上修饰能够与ctc或白细胞表面抗原结合的特异性抗体或适配体,当血液流经芯片时,特异性抗体或适配体可与目的细胞表面抗原结合,随后将ctc或白细胞粘附在芯片上,实现ctc的阳性捕获或 ...
ISET : Live and fixed circulating tumor cells for research
ISET® enables label-free enrichment of CTCs and CTMs as intact cells from all types of solid cancers. The vast majority of white blood cells (WBC) are eliminated by the ISET® filtration system. Larger cells, enriched by ISET® technology, can be analyzed by cytomorphology and by immunostaining characterization.
循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)的EMT和CTM检测问题 - 健康界
2021年3月25日 · ISET法富集获得的CTCs结合在滤膜上,便于保存,亦可灵活的进行免疫荧光、FISH、分子检测等分析,还可以通过显微切割对单个CTC进行全基因组分析。 三种CTC富集技术的对比. 本文由“健康号”用户上传、授权发布,以上内容(含文字、图片、视频)不代表健康界立场。
Home - Rarecells
We have developed a unique CE-IVD certified technology (ISET®) to discover very early signals of cancer in blood. The ISET® technology enables Rarecells to leverage detection of those early signals into life-saving cancer tests. Rarecells is also partnering with diagnostic and pharma companies to bring its innovative tests to patients.
循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)分离技术概述_进行 - 搜狐
2020年10月21日 · ISET联合激光扫描细胞计量仪(laser scanning cytometry,LSC)是近年来应用于CTC检测领域的一项新技术。 该技术先利用ISET原理将肿瘤细胞从外周血细胞中分离出来,然后应用LSC对已经标记荧光抗体的细胞进行扫描识别,从而可以准确检测到外周血中所含有的 …
Feasibility of a novel one-stop ISET device to capture CTCs ... - PubMed
2017年1月10日 · In this study, we introduced a novel isolation method by size of epithelial tumor cells (ISET) device with automatic isolation and staining procedure, named one-stop ISET (osISET) and validated its feasibility to capture CTCs from cancer patients.
循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)常用富集及检测方法总结 - 华夏病理网论坛
2012年4月11日 · 代表技术:滤膜滤法分离上皮源肿瘤细胞( iset ) 方法:将全血经过带小孔 8 μ m 的聚碳酸酯膜的过滤,即可除去白细胞富集得到 CTC. 特点:细胞完整性好;不受细胞表面标示物表达;可检出循环肿瘤拴子;
Circulating tumour cells as a potential biomarker for lung cancer ...
We previously showed that circulating tumour cells (CTCs) could be detected, using the isolation by size of epithelial tumour cell technique (ISET), long before the cancer was diagnosed radiologically. We aimed to test whether CTCs could be used as a …
ISET® story - ISET® - Isolation by Size of Tumor cells
In 2000, the work of Prof. Patrizia Paterlini-Bréchot’s team led to the invention of the ISET® technology: the first and still unparalleled filtration method for isolation of the very rare Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) from blood, allowing their diagnostic identification by cytopathology and their molecular characterization.