Filaggrin gene mutations with special reference to atopic dermatitis
The Filaggrin gene (FLG) is one of the 70 genes forming the Epidermal Differentiation Complex (EDC), a 2MB region located on human chromosome 1q21. These genes are responsible for the maturation of keratinocytes, which are the chief cells in human epidermis.
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丝聚蛋白 - 百度百科
丝聚蛋白(filaggrin, FLG)是人体皮肤角质层中连接角蛋白纤维的重要分子,在FLG单体协助连接下,角蛋白纤维规则地聚集,在表皮的最外层形成坚实的物理屏障,可以防止表皮水分的丢失和外界过敏物质的入侵。
Array-based sequencing of filaggrin gene for comprehensive …
To address this, we developed a robust and cost-effective high-throughput PCR-based method for analyzing the entire coding region of FLG using Fluidigm microfluidics technology and next-generation sequencing (NGS). We have applied this method to fully resequence cohorts of Chinese, Malay, and Indian patients with AD from the Singaporean population.
Filaggrin and Skin Barrier Function - PubMed
The major determinant of FLG expression in the skin are loss-of-function mutations in FLG, the strongest genetic risk factor for atopic dermatitis (AD), an inflammatory skin disease characterized by a reduced skin barrier function.
Ichthyosis vulgaris: the filaggrin mutation disease - PMC
Ichthyosis vulgaris is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the filaggrin gene (FLG) and is characterized clinically by xerosis, scaling, keratosis pilaris, palmar and plantar hyperlinearity, and a strong association with atopic disorders.
FAST LINE GAMES | Train Simulator Addons
Signals and NRv1 Route update has been released with 8 Quick Drive scenarios. FLG product prices will be increased by 10% from 1st January 2025. Hello all, There is important news for all members.
2021年3月15日 · 这部时长12分钟45秒的纪录短片名为《外国团体的崛起:法 轮 功》(The Rise of Foreign Groups: Falun Gong),由美国女演员兼导演安德里亚·威尔逊(Andrea Wilson)担任制片人、作家兼导演亚当·戴维斯(Adam Davis)执导,透过镜头详细披露了“法 轮 功”的起源、发展和现状,曝光了法 轮 功 在其发展过程背后的真相,记录了 法 轮 功如何从一个邪教组织演变成极端政治组织,成为一把悬在美国人民头上的无形之剑。 视频中文内容如下: 法 轮 功鼓动信 …
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ISIT offers solutions for the development and deployment of real-time embedded systems, specializing in the fields of safety and cybersecurity. As part of the STMicroelectronics Ecosystem, ISIT addresses economic sectors where embedded electronics play a major role: aeronautics/space, automotive/transport, medical, industry, telecommunications ...