2002年5月12日 · Contraves Space is developing optical inter-satellite link (O-ISL) terminals for GEO crosslink applications through the ESA co-funded ISLFE project. The near term market for this technology is foreseen to be medium range GEO crosslink applications with satellites having transparent payloads.
ISLFE is co-funded by ESA as part of the ARTES-3 programme. The project is to develop the O-ISL terminal design to meet near term market opportunities. For the ISLFE project, based on near term market requirements a hybrid OPTEL 25 terminal was selected.
Integrated RF-optical TT&C for interplanetary telecomms
2009年12月1日 · Since 2003, Oerlikon Space is investigating together with support from ESA the optimal use of lasercomm for an integrated RF-optical TT&C subsystem for deep space applications. Next to novel concepts for optical beam steering, a key issue involved is the optimal modulation format.
The ISLFE Terminal Development Project - ResearchGate
2002年5月12日 · Contraves Space is developing optical inter-satellite link (O-ISL) terminals for GEO crosslink applications through the ESA co-funded ISLFE project. The near term market for this technology is...
Signal path block diagram for an analog crosslink transceiver …
Contraves Space is developing optical inter-satellite link (O-ISL) terminals for GEO crosslink applications through the ESA co-funded ISLFE project.
The ISLFE Terminal Development Project - Results from the …
2012年6月26日 · The ISLFE Terminal Development Project - Results from the Elegant Breadboard Phase. Guy Baister, Christoph Haupt, Stephen Matthews, Richard Pender, Thomas Dreischer and Andreas Herren
Equipes spécialisées Alzheimer | ADPA 38 - afiphadom.org
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The ISLFE Terminal Development Project - Sci-Hub
The ISLFE Terminal Development Project - Results from the Elegant Breadboard Phase. 20th AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit. doi:10.2514/6.2002-2034 10.2514/6.2002-2034
2023年9月7日 · L’ARS souhaite développer l’offre d’ESA dans le cadre d’un appel à candidatures permettant le financement de 16 équipes. Les projets qui seront déposés, doivent notamment se conformer au cahier des charge fixé par la circulaire du 23 mars 2011 relative à la mise en œuvre des mesures médico-sociales du plan Alzheimer
Soins et accompagnement pour les maladies apparentées
Les interventions des Equipes Spécialisées Alzheimer (ESA) consistent à utiliser les capacités restantes ou ignorées pour améliorer l’autonomie dans les activités de la vie courante. Elles visent à mobiliser ces capacités, à adapter l’environnement de la personne en tenant compte de ses habitudes de vie et de ses goûts.