The ISN/RPS 2003 classification of lupus ... - Kidney International
The 2003 International Society of Nephrology (ISN)/Renal Pathology Society (RPS) Classification of lupus nephritis (LN) was designed to eliminate ambiguities and standardize definitions.
ISN/RPS 狼疮肾炎病理分型修订共识 - 丁香园 - DXY.cn
2018年4月15日 · 1、「内皮细胞增生(endocapillary proliferation)」调整为「毛细血管内细胞增多(endocapillary hypercellularity)」 由于毛细血管内增多的细胞种类较多,常有白细胞汇集,因此内皮细胞增生定义不准确。 2、「新月体(cresent)」即指「毛细血管外细胞增多(extracapillary hypercellularity)」,其细胞成份同样复杂(包含足细胞、炎症细胞、壁层上皮细胞),可混有纤维蛋白及纤维性基质。 并将原先的新月体定义标准从「25% 以上包氏囊受累 …
Revision of the International Society of Nephrology/Renal …
2017年8月15日 · We agreed with the ISN/RPS approach of considering subendothelial deposits that can be seen by light microscopy (i.e., wire loops) and hyaline masses within capillary lumens caused by immune complexes (i.e., hyaline thrombi) as lesions indicative of class III or IV.
Revision of the International Society of Nephrology/Renal …
Here we report detailed recommendations on issues for which we can propose adjustments based on existing evidence and current consensus opinion (phase 1). New definitions are provided for mesangial hypercellularity and for cellular, fibrocellular, and fibrous crescents.
Revised ISN/RPS 2018 classification of lupus renal pathology
The study identified baseline GFR, anti-DNA titer, cellular crescent, and high chronicity index according to revised ISN/RPS 2018 classification as important predictors of renal response after induction therapy in proliferative lupus nephritis.
ISN/RPS狼疮性肾炎病变定义及分型修订共识 - 搜狐
2019年4月11日 · 本文由东部战区总医院国家肾脏疾病临床医学研究中心刘志红院士和曾彩虹教授对新修订的ISN/RPS狼疮性肾炎病变定义及分型进行解读。 系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)是多系统受累的自身免疫性疾病,肾脏是受累脏器之一, 狼疮性肾炎 (LN)的病理分型经历了多次演变,早在1975年就提出了LN病理分型的雏形,先后有国际儿童肾脏疾病研究会分型 (ISKDC)/WHO1982分型,1995年修订病理分型,国际肾脏病学会和肾脏病理学会 (ISN/RPS),LN病理分型于2004年 …
Usefulness of ISN/RPS Classification of Lupus Nephritis - PMC
We reviewed essence of ISN/RPS classification of lupus nephritis and recent validation study related with classification. The interobserver reproducibility was improved in this classification mostly. The more qualitative categorization by the response to standard treatment may be needed to emphasize clinically relevant lesion related to renal ...
2003年ISNRPS狼疮性肾炎病理分型方案介绍[1] - 道客巴巴
2015年4月5日 · ISN/RPS 2003 年修订的狼疮性肾炎病理分型方案 1. 1 Ⅰ 型: 肾小球轻微病变性 LN(Class Ⅰ , Minimal mesangial LN) 光镜下肾小球正常 , 但荧光和/或电镜显示免疫复合物存在。
ISN/RPS-LN 病理分型主要根据肾小球病变来 分型,正确认识肾小球病变,对分型意义重大。虽然 LN 分为Ⅰ~Ⅵ型,但争议较多的主要在LN-Ⅲ和Ⅳ 型,也是介绍重点。 LN-Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型 临床上LN-Ⅱ较Ⅰ型常见,这 两型尤其LN-Ⅱ主要涉及的病变是系膜细胞增多 ...
ISN/RPS狼疮性肾炎病变定义及分型修订共识 - njcndt.com
isn/rps狼疮性肾炎病变定义及分型修订共识 出版日期: 2019-02-28 发布日期: 2019-03-04 Revision of 2018 International Society of Nephrology/ Ranal Pathology Society classification for lupus nephritis