ISO 55001:2014 - Asset management — Management systems — …
ISO 55001 is vital because it provides a clear structure for organizations to manage their assets systematically and sustainably. Effective asset management as prescribed by ISO 55001 helps organizations control the lifecycle of assets, ensuring that the performance, risk, and expenditure related to assets are balanced to meet organizational goals.
ISO55001资产管理体系认证 - 百度百科
iso55001:2014标准的理论基础 包括以下三个标准:ISO55000:2014《资产管理-概述、原则和术语》;ISO55001:2014《资产管理-管理体系-要求》ISO55002:2014《资产管理-管理体系-ISO55001应用指南》 [1]
ISO 55001资产管理体系中文资料 - 资产管理标准与技术-资产管理 …
2018年1月4日 · 针对iso 55001资产管理体系国际标准的一些中文资料,包含正式发布的3项国家标准: gb/t 33172-2016《资产管理 综述、原则和术语》(iso 55000)详情 gb/t 33173-2016《资产管理 管理体系 要求》(iso 55001)详情 gb/t 33174-2016《资产管理 管理体系 gb/t 33173应用指南》(iso 55002)详情
ISO 55001:2014(E) Introduction This International Standard specifies the requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of a management system for asset management, referred to as an “asset
ISO 55001 - Wikipedia
ISO 55001 Asset management – Management systems – Requirements is a standard developed for the use of people or organizations involved in asset management. [1] . This standard was developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 251. ISO …
国际标准化组织 ISO55000《资产管理体系》标准介绍
ISO55001:2014是第一个资产管理体系国际标准,融合了国际上公认的资产管理的最新理念和最佳实践,将会为组织的设备、设施以及其他资产的管理改进提供很大帮助。 该标准适用于所有类型和规模的组织,特别是资产密集型行业如:公共事业网络、电力、供水、天然气供应;交通运输、港口、机场、铁路服务业;石油和天然气、钢铁、采矿和矿物加工业、制造业、 航空服务等。 资产密集型的行业中,资产管理直接关系到生产和服务的连续性、产品和服务质量、成本、人员 …
新版ISO 55001:2024简明手册 - 资产管理标准与技术-资产管理标 …
2024年12月19日 · ISO 55001规定了组织建立、实施、运行、保持和改进资产管理体系的要求。 ISO 55001适用于所有类型的资产和所有类型及规模的组织。 新版ISO 55001:2024简明手册采用折页方式介绍ISO 55001标准要点,供关注和贯彻资产管理体系的组织使用。 新版ISO 55001:2024简明手册: 下载使用. ISO 55001规定了组织建立、实施、运行、保持和改进资产管理体系的要求。 ISO 55001适用于所有类型的资产和所有类型及规模的组织。 新版ISO 55001:2024简明手册采 …
ISO 55001
In this version of ISO55001 there is greater emphasis on life cycle management. Operational planning and control is a required consideration, but for any system or service supported by assets, life cycle management forms the basis of decision-making from demand through to asset and service delivery.
ISO 55001:2014 (en), Asset management — Management systems …
General information on asset management, and information on the terminology applicable to this International Standard, is provided in ISO 55000. Organizations can find that consideration of the principles will assist the development of asset management in their organization.
ISO 55001 Asset Management System - EN | PECB
ISO 55001 is an asset management system standard, the main objective of which is to help organizations manage the lifecycle of assets more effectively. By implementing ISO 55001 organizations will have better control over daily activities, achieve higher return with their assets, and reduce the total cost of risk.