EH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
EH翻译:(表示惊奇或不解,或者请对方重复或作出反应)啊,嗯,什么,是吗,好吗。 了解更多。
EH在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
EH的意思、解释及翻译:1. used to express surprise or confusion, to ask someone to repeat what they have said, or as a way…。了解更多。
GitHub - liseita/Ehviewer: ehviewer
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What Does Eh Mean In Slang & How To Use It - FluentSlang
2023年2月12日 · “Eh” is a Canadian interjection that’s used to prompt a response or to express confusion. It’s equivalent to the American “huh?” or “right?” and is often used in casual conversations. When used in a conversation, “eh” serves as a prompt for the other person to respond or to acknowledge what was said.
E站绿色版(EhViewer)漫画APP官方下载 - 免登录版本
Eh-Viewer又叫E站,它是一个海外著名的漫画软件,因为其账号注册门槛比较高,许多人被拦在外面无法进入,今天给大家分享这个软件的全版本,包括绿版,彩版,白色的版本。 使用下来,除了绿版,其它的好像都必需要借助魔法之力。都懂,不多介绍了。
Eh - Wikipedia
Eh (/ ˈ eɪ / or / ˈ ɛ /) [1] is a spoken interjection used in many varieties of English. The oldest Oxford English Dictionary defines eh as an "interjectional interrogative particle often inviting assent to the sentiment expressed."
"eh"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
eh It means like "it's okay"| Like if someone is asking you if you like strawberries and you don't then you can reply with "ehh" or "not really"|It's sort of improper but lots of people use it anyway |But usually when you are texting people use "Ehh" more commonly 的定义
EH definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Eh is used in writing to represent a noise that people make as a response in conversation, for example to express agreement or to ask for something to be explained or repeated.
EH | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary - Cambridge …
EH meaning: 1. used to express surprise or confusion, to ask someone to repeat what they have said, or as a way…. Learn more.
Why Do Canadians Say ‘Eh’? - Atlas Obscura
2017年1月10日 · There are a few major ways a Canadian could use “eh.” The first is while stating an opinion: “It’s a nice day, eh?” Another would be as an exclamation tag, which is added to a sentence in order...