【求助】TLC与ITLC的区别 - 分析 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
TLC是普通的薄层色谱,ITLC(instant thin-layer chromatography)是瞬时薄层色谱。 购买的现成的TLC板无需活化。 不需要活化的 整个板有割裂的划痕,用手掰就行了. 谢谢二位。 那么我 …
ITLC or mini-column assays are the best meth ods available for the rapid analysis of specific types of radiochemical compo nents such as free pertechnetate or colloidal technetium.
Radiolabeling and quality control of therapeutic …
2022年11月4日 · Here we show the optimization and implementation of a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical, including the comparison of ITLC and HPLC quality control. Downscaled …
Evaluation of alternative rapid thin layer chromatography …
2014年4月1日 · Whatman 3MM™ and Tec-Control™ systems were evaluated as ITLC-SG alternatives for 99mTc-radiopharmaceuticals. They compare well in accuracy and …
在通过薄层色谱法测量 99mTc 放射性药物中的放射化学杂质水平时,评估 GMCP-SA 作为 ITLC …
结果:为了测量白蛋白纳米胶体、胶体锡、依美他嗪和琥珀酸的 RCP,GMCP-SA 是 ITLC-SG 的合适替代品。 对于甲膦酸盐,GMCP-SA 适合测量胶体 99mTc 杂质,尽管产生的值略高于 …
Radioanalytical Techniques: ITLC, TLC, Mini-Columns, and ...
2019年5月6日 · Radiopharmaceutical researchers quickly became aware of the value of these analytical techniques, and in the past 5–10 years, separation methods such as TLC (thin-layer …
iTLC analysis of purified 64 CuCl 2 (a) and 68 GaCl 3 (b) using a ...
iTLC analysis of purified 64 CuCl 2 (a) and 68 GaCl 3 (b) using a Raytest miniGita detector. Stationary phase: iTLC-SG strips; mobile phase: 0.1 M sodium citrate (pH adjusted to 4-4.5). …
ITLC-SG, by Agilent - Product details - Pubcompare
The ITLC-SG is a type of lab equipment designed for thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analysis. It is used to separate and identify components in a mixture based on their relative movement on …
iTLC-SA | 安捷伦 - Agilent
瞬时薄层色谱 (iTLC) 介质是一种无粘结剂、浸渍水杨酸 (SA) 的玻璃微纤维色谱纸。 它是一种多孔、偏酸性的色谱纸,可提供出色的分辨率。 每张尺寸为 4.5 x 12 英寸(或 11.4 x 30.5 …
Instant Thin Layer Chromatography Medium (iTLC) is a binderless, glass microfiber chromatography paper or sheet impregnated with a silica gel. It is a porous, slightly acidic …
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