中科院宁波材料所AFM: 氧化铟锡的表面重构增强自组装单分子层 …
本文通过氢氟酸(HF)和后续的紫外臭氧(UVO)处理对商用的ITO表面进行重构处理。 具体而言,首先用调配好的氢氟酸水溶液对ITO表面进行刻蚀,基于典型的酸碱反应,将ITO表面无需的端接羟基(OHT)进行化学移除,并物理去除由紫外臭氧处理产生的水解产物(Hydrolysis products),从而获得富桥接羟基(OHB)和氧空位(VOs)的ITO表面;接着进行UVO处理,获得更多有利于SAM吸附的OHB官能团和少许氟端基,这有利于减少钙钛矿与ITO表面的直接接 …
Structural and morphological properties of ITO thin films …
2015年10月7日 · The surface morphology of ITO films for different thicknesses was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). All the thin films have a smooth surface morphology (as anticipated due to the low power density), and Fig. 4 shows …
Surface characterization and microstructure of ITO thin films at ...
2007年9月30日 · In this study, the electron beam evaporation method is used to generate an indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film on a glass substrate at room temperature. The surface characteristics of this ITO thin film are then investigated by means of an AFM (atomic force microscopy) method.
结果表明,pH值为1.67时,于80 ℃,90 min后ITO薄膜的刻蚀效果最优。通过EDS表征ITO电极元素的变化,用原子力显微镜 (AFM) 观察电极微观形貌的变化。
Multifunctional Indium Tin Oxide Electrode Generated by
2016年11月18日 · In this work, we purpose to investigate the electrochemical reduction of ITO electrode in dry organic solvent. The cathodic polarization of ITO in acetonitrile solution containing sodium iodide...
AFM and STM studies on In2O3 and ITO thin films deposited by atomic ...
1996年6月1日 · The surface morphology of In 2 O 3 and In 2 O 3:Sn (ITO) thin films deposited by atomic layer epitaxy has been studied by AFM and STM. The effects of film thickness, tin content and different doping schemes on the surface morphology were examined.
A Comprehensive Analysis of ITO:FeCl3 and ITO:AlCl3 Thin
2 天之前 · Figure 6 showcases AFM images of ITO films, as well as ITO films combined with varying ratios of FeCl 3 and aluminum chloride (AlCl 3) at 50, 100, and 150% concentrations. These films were fabricated on glass substrates utilizing the dip coating technique. Pure ITO films exhibit pointed peaks spread out throughout their surface, with an RMS ...
采用cspm 4000 型原子力显微镜(afm) 在大气环境下观察样品的表面形貌,扫描模式为轻敲模式,扫描面积为10 μm × 10 μm,从AFM 图 像数据中计算得到样品的表面粗糙度和表面颗粒直径.
膜厚对ITO薄膜表面形貌的影响 - X-MOL
通过原子力显微镜(afm)研究了在室温下通过电子束沉积法在浮法玻璃基板上制备的生长的ito薄膜的动态缩放行为。 AFM数据表明,随着膜厚度从100nm增加到250nm,膜的平均表面粗糙度值降低。
武汉大学闵杰课题组AFM:双溶剂氯化ITO构建高性能无空穴传输层 …
2021年9月21日 · ito-cl(odcb:h2o2)构筑的无空穴传输层光伏器件光电转换效率最高可达到18.60%(中国计量科学研究院认证效率17.94%)。 并且1cm2器件效率为17.84%,非卤溶剂甲苯加工效率达到了18.16%。