Iuz | Dungeons and Dragons Wiki | Fandom
Iuz is the cambion child of the demon prince Graz'zt and Iggwilv, the so-called "Witch Queen of Perrenland." He is an ally, and sometimes lover of, Zuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi, who …
Iuz - Greyhawk Wiki
2014年11月14日 · Iuz is the demigod of Deceit, Evil, Oppression, Pain, and Wickedness. Iuz is variously called "the Old One" and "Old Wicked," among other titles. Unlike most Greyhawk …
Iuz the Evil (5e Creature) - D&D Wiki
Iuz is the cambion demigod of deceit, oppression, and pain. He is often called The Old One or The Evil. Unlike most deities and demigods, Iuz lives in the Material Plane, as the ruler of a …
Iuz - Spelljammer Wiki | Fandom
Iuz is a recently ascended godling who is believed to be the half-fiend son of the the demon lord Graz'zt and the powerful archmage Iggwilv the Witch Queen. Iuz is a despot who rules a vast …
Greyhawk: Let's Fight Iuz - greyhawkery.blogspot.com
2023年2月2日 · Luckily for DMs Iuz is one of the deities in the World of Greyhawk boxed set that was given stats. He was later updated with 3.5E stats in Dragon #294, but for purposes of this …
Iuz in Greyhawk - World Anvil
2022年8月18日 · Iuz can appear as a 7'-tall, red-skinned, steely-fingered fiend, or as a shriveled old man five feet in height (he can take many forms; these are simply his habitual ones). In his …
5 Reasons to Visit Iuz - greyhawkery.blogspot.com
2017年7月5日 · This is the seat of Iuz's orcish armies in the north, tales saying Iuz began his empire here subjugating the Urzun tribes and with the help of giants, erected the citadel in a …
杀戮尖塔empty slot选哪个【吧友互助吧】_百度贴吧
在游戏《杀戮尖塔》中,Empty Slot是游戏中特殊事件牌之一。 玩家每次使用行动点或遇到机会时可以打出该卡牌,然后从抽牌堆抽取一张卡牌加入手牌。 至于选择哪个 Empty Slot,这取决 …
Iuz (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
2023年4月22日 · Iuz. Type: Deity, Demigod Portfolio: Pain and oppression Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domains: Death Symbol: Grinning human skull Pantheon: Greyhawk
PHP的isset(),is_null,empty()你了解了没? - 知乎专栏
empty: "" , 0 ,0.0,"0",null,false,array (),未定义var都为true. is_null:值为null为true. 这几个变量判断函数在PHP开发中用的其实挺多的,而且粗看上去都差不多,但其实还是有不少的区别的, …