Intravascular ultrasound - Wikipedia
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or intravascular echocardiography is a medical imaging methodology using a specially designed catheter with a miniaturized ultrasound probe attached to the distal end of the catheter.
Intravascular imaging - Wikipedia
Intravascular imaging provides detailed and accurate measurements of vessel lumen morphology, vessel size, extension of diseased artery segments, vessel size and plaque characteristics. Examples of intravascular imaging modalities are intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and intracoronary optical coherence tomography (OCT or IVOCT). [1] [2]
心脏导管插入术 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在冠动介入诊疗中,将两种血管腔内影像学技术(光学相干断层成像oct和血管内超声ivus)集成到同一成像导管中,实现二者的多模态血管内成像,可提供更理想的血管壁及斑块内部的组织学和形态学信息 [3] [4] 。
ivus:血管內超聲(intravenous ultrasound,IV -百科知識中文網
血管內超聲(intravenous ultrasound,IVUS) 是無創性的超聲技術和有創性的導管技術相結合的一種新的診斷方法。 基本信息. 中文名:血管內超聲 ; 英文名:ivus ; 其他外文名:intravenous ultrasound ; 屬 於:診斷方法
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a medical imaging methodology using a specially designed catheter with a miniaturized ultrasound probe attached to the distal end of it. The proximal end of the catheter is attached to computerized ultrasound equipment.
森林之王伊弗斯(Ivus the Forest Lord)是暴雪娛樂公司出品的大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲《魔獸世界:爭霸艾澤拉斯》8.1版本《復仇之潮》中部落陣營專屬的世界首領,位置在卡利姆多的黑海岸。首領簡介 暗夜精靈在危難關頭總會召喚森林之王...
Ivus, the Forest Lord - New Hearthstone Wiki
Ivus the Forest Lord is a massive Ancient of War that aids the Alliance in Alterac Valley. Ivus is brought into battle by turning in 200 Storm Crystals to Arch Druid Renferal, who will then summon Ivus at the Field of Strife. He will then will patrol around the field for ten minutes, before pushing into the Frostwolf base. Ivus is more powerful ...
Ivus the Forest Lord - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the …
Ivus the Forest Lord is a massive Ancient of War that aids the Alliance in Alterac Valley. Ivus in Alterac Valley. Ivus is brought into battle by turning in 200 Storm Crystals to Arch Druid Renferal, who will then summon Ivus at the Field of Strife. He will then will patrol around the field for ten minutes, before pushing into the Frostwolf base.
Ivus the Decayed - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World …
Ivus the Decayed is an ancient of war world boss located in Darkshore when the Alliance control of the zone. Once a staunch ally in Alterac Valley, Ivus the Forest Lord succumbed to the Horde's defilement after returning to defend Darkshore.
Ivus the Decayed (quest) - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the …
Ivus the Decayed; Level: 50 (Requires 50) Type: Epic Elite World Quest: Category: Darkshore: Reputation +75 7th Legion: Rewards [7th Legion Service Medal]