IZH1 | SGD - Saccharomyces Genome Database
IZH1, IZH2, IZH3, and IZH4 encode a family of paralogous membrane proteins thought to affect zinc homeostasis either by altering membrane sterol content or by directly altering cellular zinc levels. The Izh proteins belong to a large and nearly ubiquitous family of proteins found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Metalloregulation of yeast membrane steroid receptor homologs
2004年4月1日 · In yeast, gene regulation has provided the first functional clues. IZH1 and IZH2 are confirmed Zap1p-target genes, whereas IZH4 is induced by excess zinc. We demonstrated that deletion of either IZH1 or IZH2 results in increased sensitivity to elevated zinc, whereas deletion of IZH3 or IZH4 has the opposite effect.
IZH1 Protein | SGD - Saccharomyces Genome Database
Contains experimentally-derived protein half-life data obtained using stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) coupled with mass spectrometry. This section also contains protein …
Phylogenetic and Preliminary Phenotypic Analysis of Yeast PAQR ...
2011年10月19日 · We demonstrate that IZH2 and IZH3 gene dosage affects resistance to polyene antifungal drugs. Moreover, we provide additional evidence that Izh2p and Izh3p negatively regulate fungal filamentation.
IZH1 / YDR492W Literature - Saccharomyces Genome Database
IZH1 / YDR492W Literature All manually curated literature for the specified gene, organized by relevance to the gene and by association with specific annotations to the gene in SGD.
IZH1 - ATP23 Interaction Summary | BioGRID
Membrane protein involved in zinc ion homeostasis; member of the four-protein IZH family; transcription is regulated directly by Zap1p, expression induced by zinc deficiency and fatty acids; deletion increases sensitivity to elevated zinc; IZH1 has a paralog, IZH4, that arose from the whole genome duplication
Cyclebase 3.0 - IZH1
Membrane protein involved in zinc ion homeostasis; member of the four-protein IZH family; transcription is regulated directly by Zap1p, expression induced by zinc deficiency and fatty acids; deletion increases sensitivity to elevated zinc; IZH1 has a paralog, IZH4, that arose from the whole genome duplication
Izh-1 - 来自伊热夫斯克的第一辆也是唯一一辆原装苏联摩托车
2023年11月3日 · 摩托车 Izh 品牌为苏联两轮车爱好者所熟知。 这些可能是农村地区最常见的模式。 至少在80年代末,村子里很多人都有Izh。 这些朴实无华的摩托车价格实惠。 无论是从财务方面还是在商店方面。 中型型号结合了轻型明斯克和重型乌拉尔的优点。 对于那些喜欢通用车辆的人来说,伊热夫斯克工厂提供了带有边车的改装。 如果我们粗略地回顾一下该企业的历史,我们可以得出结论,该企业是在1945年后才开始生产摩托车的。 他们从一家德国工厂取出设备,开始 …
IZH1 | Loqate - weizmann.ac.il
Membrane protein involved in zinc ion homeostasis, member of the four-protein IZH family; transcription is regulated directly by Zap1p, expression induced by zinc deficiency and fatty acids; deletion increases sensitivity to elevated zinc
Dual regulation of lipid droplet-triacylglycerol metabolism and
2022年1月4日 · IZH1 promoter is able to dynamically down-regulate ERG9 expression, and divert the metabolic flux to β-carotene pathway to increase β-carotene accumulation in the presence of OA.