J-Groove Or Fillet Weld Type - Eng-Tips
2005年5月23日 · The application consists of capping both ends of a pipe with plates, by means of preparing the edges. The welding will be done by the outside circumferential joints. The drawing indicates a J-groove weld type which requires more work. Can a beveled fillet weld instead of a J-groove weld be...
Repairs after PWHT P5-A J-Groove - ASME (mechanical) Code Issues
2006年7月19日 · A severed tube was found in a j-groove tube panel after several years in service. The severed tube was given to us for analyisis. After measuring the failed weld surface area, it was determined that improper weld technique/insuficient joint opening was employed. The suggested repair method is to...
Flush J-Groove Weld - AWS (welding) Code Issues | Eng-Tips
2002年4月24日 · Hi-I am trying to specify a ground flush J-groove weld. I was wondering if there is any strength reduction by specifying a ground flush on a J-groove weld since some of the weld will be ground off? Thanks in advance.
Wps to Qualify - Welds With Buttering - Eng-Tips
2008年6月24日 · ASME IX - 2007 QW-283 Welds With Buttering QW-283.1 Scope. This paragraph only applies when the essential variables for the buttering process are different than the essential variables for the process used for subsequent completion of the joint. Common examples are: (a) the buttered member is...
Groove welds in Lap Joints - Eng-Tips
2005年7月22日 · Other groove welds which can be used in lap joints with plate include inter-alia: J-groove and square groove This sort of joint will not be considered prequalified per AWS D1.1 and qualification testing will be required. I guess you are using D1.5 and I suspect it too may also require qualification testing.
ASME B.31.3 Pressure Test Limits - Eng-Tips
2007年1月18日 · Hi, ASME B31.3 calculation for Hydrostatic Pressure Test can be limited follows: (c) if the test pressure as defined above would produce a nominal pressure stress or longitudinal stress in excess of the yield strength at test temperature or a pressure more than 1.5 times the component rating...
Groove welds in Lap Joints - Eng-Tips
2005年10月11日 · I realize that fillet welds are most common in lap joints. However, due to certain restrictions [b]I need to use a groove weld in a lap joint to acquire the des
j1926 & j514 female port dimensions are different?? - Drafting ...
2007年7月18日 · hello - sorry if this is in the wrong forum - we have a manifold that was ported using a sae #6 j1926 tool (9/16"-18 thread)- we installed a transmitter which had sae #6 male threads - the transmitter is leaking at the o-ring seal - everything is machined right - i called the manufacture of the...
no i j k in g2 move - Siemens: UG/NX | Eng-Tips
2017年4月24日 · Using postbuilder in NX10 to process and on some lines there are g2 moves without i or j and I tried different settings in post builder but cannot figure out why this is happening. Most lines have i and j but about 4 g2 lines dont and it messes everything up. What can be causing this?
Effective Throat Area for Bevel Welds - Eng-Tips
2008年5月1日 · I need to figure out the throat area for a weld on a 1.5" rod welded to a pin eye. the weld type is bevel groove. i am using this formula but it doesn't seem right to me: A = pi/4 * [(Do-Di)/cos(chamfer angle)] can someone tell me if this is …