2025年3月3日,建元信托凭借卓越的专业能力及创新的服务方案,在红星美凯龙控股集团有限公司重整案受托人招... 在国家深化国资国企改革、加快培育新质生产力的战略背景下,建元信托精准响应政策导向,于近日成功设立&quo... 伴随经济筑底持续,宏观政策组合次第出台。 前三季度指标结构来看,固定资产投资三季度有降,社零增速仍在低... 在此前的《REITs的发展和展望系列》将REITs的简介、国外、国内的发展历史进行了简单梳理。 REITs在国内的发展... 在此前的 …
Yuan Lab - University of California, San Diego
Jason Yuan, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine UCSD Profile. Jason X.-J. Yuan is the current Director of the Section of Physiology and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. He obtained his medical degree at Suzhou Medical College (Suzhou, China) in 1983 and his Ph.D. in Physiology at Peking Union Medical College ...
Jun Yuan - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems … Beyond static papers: Rethinking how we share scientific understanding in ML …
Jun Yuan (袁俊) - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
J Yuan, Y Zhang, L Zhou, C Zhang, TK Lau, G Zhang, X Lu, HL Yip, SK So, ... Advanced materials 31 (17), 1807577, 2019. 374: 2019: Barrierless free charge generation in the high‐performance PM6: Y6 bulk heterojunction non‐fullerene solar cell. L Perdigón‐Toro, H Zhang, A Markina, J Yuan, SM Hosseini, CM Wolff, ...
Junsong Yuan - Google Scholar
Z Ren, J Yuan, J Meng, Z Zhang. IEEE transactions on multimedia 15 (5), 1110-1120, 2013. 971: 2013: Learning actionlet ensemble for 3D human action recognition. J Wang, Z Liu, Y Wu, J Yuan. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 36 (5), 914-927, 2013. 634:
About Me - Prof. Dr. Jing Yuan
My major studies are in developing novel theories and implementations of optimization, learning-based algorithms and high-performance distributed parallel computing, especially with applications to most challenging practices of computer vision, medical image analysis and machine learning.
Yuan J. - Professor of Biostatistics - The University of Chicago ...
My main research interest is applying statistical models to solve complex biomedical problems involving high-dimensional data, such as array-based molecular measurements and next-generation...
- 职位: Professor of Biostatistics at …
- 位置: The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
- 500+ 连接数
J. YUAN | Chief Engineer | Research profile
J. YUAN, Chief Engineer | Cited by 8 | | Read 105 publications | Contact J. YUAN
J. YUAN | Research profile
J. Yuan Yifan Tian Clustering techniques have been widely adopted in many real world data analysis applications, such as customer behavior analysis, targeted marketing, digital...
Yuan Lab @ USTC - 中国科学技术大学
J. Yuan* (2014) 细菌运动行为及趋化信号转导网络的研究. (invited review) 中国科学技术大学学报 44:382-388. 2013及之前(@哈佛大学):