Haplogroup J-M172 - Wikipedia
In human genetics, Haplogroup J-M172 or J2[Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subclade (branch) of haplogroup J-M304. [Phylogenetics 2] Haplogroup J-M172 is common in modern populations in Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, Southern Europe, Northwestern Iran and North Africa.
FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup J-M172
These 34 Y chromosome mutations are shared by everyone in this haplogroup. They show a paternal lineage of father-son relationships that have accumulated mutations over time. Learn …
J-M172 - 祖源树TheYtree(基因溯源,免费上树,电子家谱)祖缘 …
J-M172 - 祖源树TheYtree,也称 祖缘树 全球首个致力于基因寻根溯源服务的公益性网站,不分肤色,不分国籍,不分姓氏,只要你有做父系基因检测,都免费上祖源树,永不磨灭的电子家谱!
Y染色体单倍群——J - 知乎
J-M304(外高加索起源)由 M304 遗传标记或等效的 12f2.1 标记定义。 目前主要的亚群 J-M267(亚美尼亚高地起源)和 J-M172(扎格罗斯山脉起源)现在几乎包含了单倍群的所有后代谱系,据信它们都出现得很早,至少在 10,000 年前。
Uncover the Secrets of Paternal Haplogroup J-M172 - 23andMe
Haplogroup J-M172, also known as Haplogroup J-M304 (Y Chromosome Consortium long-form label), is a genealogical group of lineages defined by unique genetic markers present on the Y-chromosome.
2023年12月11日 · J2a的祖先单倍群J-M172或J2常见于西亚、中亚、南亚、南欧、伊朗西北部和北非的现代人群中,可能起源于高加索、安纳托利亚和/或伊朗西部。
J-M172单倍群详情 - 23mofang.com
J-M172(J2)是 J-M304 下的一个重要分支,目前主要分布于中东、欧洲、中亚、南亚等地区。 中国的 J 系人群主要属于该类型下游,约占全国男性人口的 0.58%,分布集中在我国西北地区。
J2-M172 – Haplogroup Research, Y-DNA Info
Current subclades (FamilyTreeDNA) and id’s (YFull YTree v11.04.00) analysis. It is biased against customers of Y-clusters or regions of which descendants do more BigY/NGS testing (Ashkenazi/Europe, Northwest Europe, Georgia, Armenia, …
J-M172 (Y-DNA) - Geni.com
The J-M172 haplogroup, also called J2-M172, is an ancient haplogroup estimated as first appearing 24,000 to 19,000 years ago but perhaps earlier. The first J2-M172 man was a member of the J-M304/P209 haplogroup, and almost certainly lived in Southwestern Asia, most likely the region of east Anatolia and south Caucasus.
FAQ – J2-M172
First is the major branch of the J2-M172 tree where the group is located, J2a or J2b. Second is a “breadcrumb format” description of the cumulative SNPs on the branch of the Y-phylogenetic tree that leads to the group’s assigned Y-haplogroup.
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