mc38异种移植模型的免疫学特性使其成为癌症研究的通用工具。 物种:小鼠,C57BL/6品系;雌性 组织:结肠;疾病:结肠腺癌
Oncogenic KRAS drives immunosuppression of colorectal cancer …
2024年10月4日 · Immunofluorescence (IF) staining using a specific dsRNA antibody (J2) demonstrated that KRAS G12D extinction (dox off) markedly increased dsRNA signals in both iKAP tumors and primary cultured iKAP cells .
Sci Immuno:廖雯婷团队揭示KRAS突变扰乱dsRNA稳态并驱动结 …
这项研究表明 KRAS 通过降低 DDX60 表达来破坏 dsRNA 稳态和病毒拟态效应,从而驱动结直肠癌免疫逃逸。 近年来, 免疫 检查点抑制剂(ICIs)已成为治疗微卫星高度不稳定(MSI-H)或错配修复缺陷(dMMR) 结直肠癌 的重要手段,为晚期患者带来了新的希望。 然而,大多数转移性结直肠癌患者是微卫星稳定性(MSS)或高效错配修复(pMMR)类型,因此无法从这种治疗中获益。 “病毒拟态”机制是指模拟病毒感染的细胞过程,通过激活机体的抗病毒天然免疫反应,以增 …
Science子刊:中山大学廖雯婷团队等揭示KRAS突变驱动结直肠癌 …
2024年10月9日 · 研究团队采用多种经典双链RNA(dsRNA)检测方法,包括J2-免疫荧光染色、J2-免疫共沉淀结合dsRNA免疫印迹、J2抗体免疫共沉淀结合dsRNA RT-PCR,以及dsRNA提取结合RT-PCR,发现KRAS突变显著降低了结直肠癌细胞内源性dsRNA的丰度,而抑制KRAS突变活性则显著增加了细胞内 ...
histograms show quantified Flag/J2 colocalization across five fields. Two-tailed t-test, ****p < 0.0001. (C) Interaction between Flag-tagged Helicase or H791A and dsRNA in MC38 and MC38K cells was analyzed by Flag-RIP and J2 immunoblot. The expression of Flag in input and pulldown products was analyzed by protein immunoblot.
However, all three oxidative stress triggers consistently increased Z-RNA levels in all the tested cell lines, including mouse colon tumor cell line (MC38), human colon tumor cell lines (HT-29 and HCT-116), hu-man lung cancer cell lines (A549 and H446), as well as mouse fibroblast cell line (L929, non-tumor cells), suggesting that oxida-tive str...
中国科学院典型培养物保藏委员会细胞库/中国科学院上海生命科学 …
中国科学院典型培养物保藏委员会细胞库/中国科学院上海生命科学 …
MC38细胞表达claudin-1和SATB2等结肠标志物,这对于研究结肠腺癌的基因组和表观基因组以及探寻潜在的治疗手段至关重要。 MC38异种移植模型的免疫学特性使其成为癌症研究的通用工具。
Triggering endogenous Z-RNA sensing for anti-tumor therapy …
2023年11月28日 · Moreover, we checked the co-staining of Z-RNA by the Z22 antibody and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) by the J2 antibody in the MC38 cells in either steady or arsenite treatment (Figure S1Q). We found that the immunofluorescence intensity of Z-RNA but not dsRNA could be promoted by the stimuli.
MC38 colorectal tumor cell lines from two different sources …
2023年2月23日 · Introduction: The cell line MC38 is a commonly used murine model for colorectal carcinoma. It has a high mutational burden, is sensitive to immune checkpoint immunotherapy and endogenous CD8+ T cell responses against neoantigens have been reported.