Litonh J28 - No Man's Sky Wiki
Litonh J28 is a planet in the star system Amargi V in the No Man's Sky universe. Trade Outpost at latitude/longitude -31.23, +9.95 11 species of fauna are currently known to exist.
MPEC 2020-J28 : 2020 JD - minorplanetcenter.net
M.P.E.C. 2020-J28 Issued 2020 May 4, 02:05 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets.
中航611所六代隐形战机歼28,可信度高吗? - 网易
2016年11月9日 · J28是空天战斗机,并且能够躲避雷达和射电望远镜的探测,能够在地球大气层外用激光摧毁卫星,并能够在地球和月球,地球和火星之间猎杀核导弹。
Ercul J28 - No Man's Sky Wiki
Ercul J28 is a planet in the AGT Kusdokuvai star system of the No Man's Sky universe. By explorer FuzzDistortion during an unknown date in the past. It was explored and a claim …
2019年8月30日 · “而歼28则是担负着世界希望的战机,如果有一天美国发射了太阳熄灭导弹之后,J28将会在最短的时间内,摧毁美国发射的太阳熄灭导弹,从而挽救整个太阳系。
J-28 (Jianjiji-28 Fighter aircraft 28) - GlobalSecurity.org
The laser weapon carried by the J-28 is very powerful and can melt nuclear missiles launched from any planet or satellite in the solar system.
人民网:中国战机歼28震撼问世 或可挽救太阳系【天津泰达吧】_ …
日前有外国媒体曝光了中国正在科研的战机代系,据媒体称中国目前正在研制第六代战机,型号为歼-28,主要是应对圈太阳系核威胁以及太阳系常规精确打击,同时在报告当中还提到了中国 …
Chinese New 6th Generation Fighter Jet Shocked The World!
Discover the revolutionary J-28, China's first-ever 6th generation fighter jet, in our latest video! With capabilities that can outsmart missiles, control swarms of drones, and vanish from enemy...
人民网:中国战机歼28震撼问世 或可挽救太阳系 - 网易
2014年7月10日 · 据悉,日前有外国媒体曝光了中国正在科研的战机代系,据媒体称中国目前正在研制第六代战机,型号为歼-28,主要是应对圈太阳系核威胁以及太阳系常规精确打击,同时 …
China Unveils It's 6th-Gen Fighter Jet: Has the US Already
Discover the revolutionary J-28, China's first-ever 6th generation fighter jet, in our latest video! With capabilities that can outsmart missiles, control swarms of drones, and vanish from enemy...