Shenyang J-5 - Wikipedia
The Shenyang J-5 (Chinese: 歼-5) (NATO reporting name Fresco [2]) is a Chinese-built single-seat jet interceptor and fighter aircraft derived from the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17. [1] The J-5 was exported as the F-5 [3] and was originally designated Dongfeng-101 (East Wind-101) and also Type 56 before being designated J-5 in 1964. [1]
歼-5 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
歼-5 (J-5,北约代号:Fresco)曾经称为 56式战斗机,是由 沈阳飞机工业公司 仿制的原 苏联 的 米格-17 型喷气式 战斗机,是 中華人民共和國 第一款量產的 喷气式飞机。 歼-5是一种单座单发高亚音速喷气式战斗机。 机头进气、后掠式中单翼布局,使用一台涡喷-5离心式加力涡轮喷气发动机 [來源請求]。 1953年12月中苏两国政府换文,苏联将制造喷气式飞机 米格15 (含发动机)和教练机 雅克-18 (含发动机)的制造权转让给中国,并提供成套技术资料和样机。 1954年10月根据苏联 …
殲-5 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
殲-5 (J-5,北約代號:Fresco)曾經稱為 56式戰鬥機,是由 瀋陽飛機工業公司 仿製的原 蘇聯 的 米格-17 型噴氣式 戰鬥機,是 中華人民共和國 第一款量產的 噴氣式飛機。 殲-5是一種單座單發高亞音速噴氣式戰鬥機。 機頭進氣、後掠式中單翼布局,使用一台渦噴-5離心式加力渦輪噴氣發動機 [來源請求]。 1953年12月中蘇兩國政府換文,蘇聯將製造噴氣式飛機 米格15 (含發動機)和教練機 雅克-18 (含發動機)的製造權轉讓給中國,並提供成套技術資料和樣機。 1954年10月根據蘇聯 …
Nakajima J5N - Wikipedia
The Nakajima J5N was an abandoned Japanese prototype fighter aircraft of the World War II era. J5N was developed as twin-engine interceptor for countering attacks by Boeing B-29 Superfortress. [1]
歼-5 - 百度百科
歼-5(英文:Shenyang J-5/F-5, 北约 代号:Fresco,译文:壁画)战斗机,是中国沈阳国营112厂(现称: 中航工业集团 沈阳飞机工业公司)在20世纪50年代仿制的单座单发 第一代战斗机,是中国制造并装备空军的第一种高亚音速 喷气战斗机。 该机参照苏联 米格-17 Φ(米格-17F)型战斗机研制,采用机头进气的后掠式中单翼 气动布局。 飞机全金属结构,体积小,重量轻、低空机动性能好,装配中国仿制“ 涡喷-5 ”型发动机 [1]。 歼-5研制从1954年10月开始,1956年7 …
Shenyang J-5 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Shenyang J-5 is a Chinese-built single-seat jet-powered interceptor and fighter aircraft based on the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17. The Shenyang J-5 was exported as the F-5 and was initially named Dongfeng-101 and Type 56 before being named J-5 by 1964.
Shenyang J-5 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Shenyang J-5 (Chinese: 歼击机-5; pinyin: Jianjiji-5; literally: "Fighter-5"), [1] originally designated Dongfeng-101 - (East Wind-101), [1] and also Type 56 [1] before being designated J-5 in 1964, [1] is a Chinese-built single-seat jet interceptor and fighter aircraft derived from the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17. [1]
Shenyang (AVIC) J-5 (Fresco) Single-Seat Jet-Powered Fighter …
2021年3月17日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Shenyang (AVIC) J-5 (Fresco) Single-Seat Jet-Powered Fighter Aircraft including pictures.
J-5 fighter - SimplePlanes
The J-5, a single-seat, single-engine first-generation fighter that China copied from the Soviet Union's mig-15 in the 1950s, is the first high-subsonic jet fighter built and equipped by China for the Air Force.
J-5 (Jian-5 Fighter aircraft 5) - GlobalSecurity.org
The J-5 fighter was a license production of a Soviet high subsonic fighter MiG-17F. The MiG-17F was mainly used to fight for air superiority, to air defense, and to close air support. Its...
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