02811 - Ross-Tech Wiki
When found in VW Passat (3C), the Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module (J764) can be replaced individually without the entire Steering Column need to be replaced as well. Check erWin for latest TPI/TSBs on this Subject.
Volkswagen Tiguan Service and Repair Manual - Electronic …
Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module -J764-, Coding. The "access/start authorization" system must be coded after the Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module -J764- is replaced. Code the Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module -J764- using the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester.
VW Passat (3C) Immobilizer - Ross-Tech Wiki
NEW Electronic Steering Column Lock (J764) components can be matched but used components cannot be matched. If the Ignition will not power on the Instrument cluster and CAN Gateway for communication after a new J764 is installed, hold the high beam stalk in the flash to pass position.
02861 - Ross-Tech Wiki
When found in the VW Passat (3C), it might be possible to replace the Electronic Steering Column Lock (J764) separately from the entire steering column. The Comfort Control Module (J393) houses the Immobilizer related Functions.
J764 ELV Repair Kit ACP131 12V Relay + Micro Switches for VW …
this J764 ELV Repair Kit is for VW Passat 3C CC Steering Lock Module ECU 3C0905861 XX 3C0905864 XX Electrical components Repair. contains 2pcs ACP131 12V Relay + 2pcs Micro Switches
Volkswagen Workshop Service and Repair Manuals
Adapting ] See: Steering Column Control Module/Testing and Inspection/Programming and Relearning/Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module (J764), Adapting must always be performed beforehand. ‹› Additional information is available in TSB 2022458/2.
Immobilizer error in VCDS | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
2009年6月1日 · Most likely your Electronic Steering Column Lock (J764) & Comfort System Central Control Module (J393) will need replaced. If that is the diagnosis, be prepared to leave it for a full day. Modified by dana vw tech at 9:30 PM 6-1-2009
2011 VW Touareg Steering Fault - Ross-Tech Forums
2020年1月13日 · I have a 2011 Touareg with a steering fault. I believe I found the problem to be the steering wheel lock module (j764) I ordered and replaced it. But know I can't figure out how to do an adaptation. I open module 5 (acc /start auth) enter the security code, it's excepted, but the adaptation button is still grayed out. Here is my latest auto scan:
大众J764是什么 - 百度知道
2022年9月5日 · J764是转向柱点子锁止控制单元。 转向柱锁,如果出现故障,方向盘无法解锁,车辆无法启动。 大众辉腾(Volkswagen Phaeton)是德国大众汽车公司生产的豪华轿车,于2002年正式量产上市。 竞争对手有奔驰S级,宝马7系,奥迪A8等。 大众Phaeton辉腾的第一代车型于2002年首发于日内瓦国际车展,是大众品牌下的首款全尺寸豪华轿车,意义非凡。 针对家族脸谱的变化,2009辉腾小改款版本对前脸外观等细部进行修饰,并加入了FSI缸内直喷发动机的动 …
2013 Tiguan - Steering Column Lock Service Now - VW Vortex
2016年3月13日 · Car starts fine and runs perfectly. Just the yellow steering dash light flashes to no end. Any help or leads to a fix are greatly appreciated. Anyone? Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764) Labels: 5K0-905-861.clb. managed to solve ? This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread.