Joint Battle Command-Platform | Article | The United States Army
2018年6月29日 · JBC-P, fielded to the first unit equipped in May 2015, is the Army's next-generation friendly force tracking system, equipping Soldiers with a faster satellite network, secure data encryption and...
美国陆军下一代蓝军跟踪系统研发现状 - 安全内参 | 决策者的网络 …
演示展示了jbc-p和联合能力版(jcr)与bft-2 hc移动卫星收发器之间的蓝军跟踪系统数据交换,该收发器通过对地静止卫星和低地球轨道(leo)卫星星座运行。
need to take specific steps to maintain a fully -functional Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC -P) digital computer set. Several versions of the JBC-P were fielded and the equipment transfer...
JBC-P served as the brigade’s tool for on-the-move mission command, yet this was primarily accomplished through the use of chat. Using JBC-P, units were able to maneuver
Joint Battle Command - Platform (JBC-P) is the Army’s next-generation friendly force tracking system, equipping Soldiers with a faster satellite network, secure data...
2019年8月22日 · JBC-P is a networked battle command information system that enables units to share near real-time friendly and enemy situational awareness information, operational maps and graphics, and command and control (C2) messages.
JBC-P Logistics (JBC-:P Log), an integral component of the JBC-P Software Build 6.0, did not support the Army brigade's logistics mission. Soldiers experienced a low success rate in
美国陆军更新联合作战指挥平台计算机_加固 - 搜狐
2020年4月2日 · 该加固型车载电子计算机系列可用于40多种地面车辆和武器,支持美陆军联合作战指挥平台(JBC-P)的装备和升级,并具有系统升级、网络安全和多点触控显示功能。 同时,随着美陆军不断改进JBC-P系统用于战术态势感知、全球蓝军跟踪和途中可见后勤追踪,MfoCS II计算机系列还增强了其计算服务器性能。 MFoCS II系统的关键组件是称作“边缘保证(Edge-Assured)”的硬件内的网络对抗加强技术,该技术可确保指挥官操作的是受保护的可信计算系 …
Joint Battle Command – Platform (JBC-P) - studylib.net
• JBC-P is an upgrade to the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below Joint Capabilities Release and provides the following improvements: - Tactical chat combined with chat room capability, providing enhanced collaboration for commanders - Improved mission command applications for planning and execution - A more intuitive graphical user ...
美陆军加速新型指挥系统的部署_信息 - 搜狐
2018年11月17日 · 联合作战指挥平台(JBC-P)是一个联网任务式指挥信息系统,能使陆军和海军陆战队近乎实时友好地分享敌人战场态势,感知作战地图和指挥控制(C2)信息。 陆军和海军陆战队打算依托JBC-P搭建平台级别联合作战中心,让系统既可部署在机动中的地面车辆、航空飞机和下车步兵上,也可在陆地/沿岸主导的固定指挥所内。 系统安装在先前发布的FBCB2(21世纪旅及旅以下战斗队)和FBCB2-JCR系统基础上进行升级安装,旨在提供: JBC-P. 功 能. 蓝军( …