2231A | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
2231A Information. updated: Oct 2020 ... Information Documents: JBL Professional Model Number Listing: updated: Oct 2020 47.3 KB Oct 2020: If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the file to save it to your computer. Parts & Service. Part Lists; Authorized Service Partner Assets ...
JBL 2231A Specifications - Audio Database
A 38 cm cone shaped woofer with excellent transient response and high efficiency for high power regeneration. The voice coil uses copper ribbon edge width winding. A large Alnico V magnet is used for the magnetic circuit, and the gap is narrowed to concentrate the …
Compared tdother loudspeakers having similar sensitivity, its frequency response is unusually linear, varying only *2 dB from 40 Hz to 800 Hz. When housed in a properly constructed enclosure, the 2231 will exhibit exceptional.
JBL 2231a, rare, AlNiCo hi end speaker, SINGLE - Reverb
This is a rare chance for you to get a single JBL 2231a speaker. These only came in the very hi end studio speakers that made the history of best sounding recordings. Very sought after in the Audiophile world too! It works great, see pictures for condition. The deal is for ONE speaker, and NO i don't have the other one... ;-P
JBL2231AとJBL2235Hの聞き比べ - FC2
40年近く使ってきたアルニコのjblウーファ2231aと最近入手した2235Hを聞き比べた。 コーン紙はどちらも2235H用なので、純粋にアルニコとフェライトの聞き比べだ
136a,2231a,2235h - audioheritage.org
2005年3月17日 · First, one of the first good buys I made in regards to vintage JBL was a pair of huge custom cabs with (2) 2231A's, (2)D216's , an LE85/HL87 and an 077 UHF per cab. One of the cabs had 2231's and the other 2205's with 2231A factory cones instead of the pleated surround stock ones.
JBL 2231Aの仕様 - オーディオの足跡
優れた過渡応答と高い能率でハイパワーな再生が可能な38cmコーン型ウーファー。 ボイスコイルは銅リボンエッジワイズ巻きを採用しています。 磁気回路には大型アルニコVマグネットを採用しています。 また、磁束を集中させるためにギャップを狭くとり、能率の向上を図っています。 2231Aはバスレフ型エンクロージャーを用いたモニター用途に適しています。
JBL 2231A - has anyone tried it? (in open-baffle) - diyAudio
2007年9月7日 · The 2231A does have a nice low Fs of 16Hz however, which would really be nice for OB use! Watch the x-max on it. It's a nice driver the pedesosor to the 2235. If it has been reconed recently it will have a 2235 kit which significantly increases x-max. The T/S are in the T/S document on the JBL Pro Site in the Technical Documents Section.
JBL 2231 A - 15" Bass Driver (PAIR) - RARE! - Reverb
The Model 2231 low frequency loudspeaker provides accurate, solid low-frequency reproductron Designed with free air resonance below the range of hearing, the 2231 has exceptional deep bass response and requires very little enclosure volume.
Used JBL 2231A Subwoofers for Sale | HifiShark.com
Used JBL 2231A Subwoofers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability