JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil Little sunday question , have 2240H + 2245H the same voice coils? Whats about ...
What to do with a 2240H - audioheritage.org
Hello, I picked up a 2240H for $5 at a yard sale and have been pondering what to do with it for the past few months. I've read that it is really more for sound reinforcement applications than for …
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) - audioheritage.org
2012年9月9日 · I use two 2240H in a 4642a enclosure for "hifi" use in my living room (my "sattelite" is 4530/2226, 2360a/2445, Beyma TPL150, but that's another story) and finde it very …
2245H reconed as 2240H what is the result - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H #24026 2240H #24010 Fs 31.68hz ---31.2hz Qes .32 ---.31 Qms 7.2--- 6.8 Qts .31 ---.3 Le .87mH--- .87mH It will take me a few weeks and break them in before they each get their …
Altec 604-8G + JBL 2240... - audioheritage.org
The JBL 2240H could be in something like 8cu' ported box tuned to 35hz ( with a 3rd order LowPass filter set to roll-off a 50hz ) . ( IMHO ) I also believe it would be a pretty bad idea for …
JBL 2240H RECONE SET - audioheritage.org
Hello. Were can i buy these original jbl 2240H 18'' recone sets? And what is a normal price?
!JBL - audioheritage.org
2010年5月12日 · Hi, I´m thinking again of building some scoops for small privat party applications... Either way I`d build four JBL-4530 or two JBL-4520.... So each side will be a …
Recommended Enclosure for a 2240H as HT Sub?
Recommended Enclosure for a 2240H as HT Sub? ... JBL Pro for home use! 02-27-2015, 12:12 PM #7. Lee in ...
JBL 2240 vs 2245 question - audioheritage.org
I have both a JBL 2240 and a 2245 that I am planning to use for sub-woofers. I have been told and have read several posts that claim they both have the same frame and motor assemblies. …
JBL 2235h vs. JBL 2240h - audioheritage.org
2010年6月17日 · How would the 2240h in about 9cubic f. each compare to my 15" woofers ? 2235h can handle a lot more conemovement, but 2240h has a lot more conearea.... I think …