Designed for use as an ultra-high frequency driver in multi-element, full range loudspeaker systems, the JBL Model 2404H delivers an un-matched combination of wide, tightly controlled dispersion, extended fre-quency response, high power capac-ity, and high efficiency One key to this outstanding perfor-mance lies in the unique geometry of the dri...
2404H | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
JBL Professional Model Number Listing: updated: Oct 2020 47.3 KB Oct 2020: If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the file to save it to your computer. Parts & Service. Part Lists; Authorized Service …
JBL 2404H tweeters - JBL 2404H ultra high frequency …
The JBL 2404H is an ultra-high frequency driver that handles 40 watts program power; Optimized in multi-element, wide range loudspeaker systems w/ response up to 21.5kHz; Unique Bi-Radial Horn for precise dispersion of 100 ° x 100 ° Extended frequency response, high power capacity and high efficiency
JBL 2404H Specifications - Audio Database
Horn type tweeter of bi-radial horn type. By adopting a newly designed bi-radial horn, constant directivity of 100 ° in both horizontal and vertical directions over a wide range of 3 kHz to 20 kHz is realized. It also has the advantage that second harmonic distortion is extremely small due to the rapid expansion of horn flare.
2404 vs. 2405 - audioheritage.org
2003年8月3日 · I think the 2405 has better top end extension than the 2404 and is an excellent tweeter as long as it is used above 10KHz with an 18dB/octave slope. The 2404 is probably the tweeter of choice if you need a lower crossover point.
JBL 2404Hの仕様 - オーディオの足跡
バイ・ラジアルホーンタイプのホーン型トゥイーター。 新設計のバイ・ラジアルホーンを採用することで、3kHz~20kHzの広帯域にわたって水平・垂直方向ともに100゜の定指向性をを実現しています。 また、ホーンフレアの急速な広がりによって第2高調波歪が極めて少ないという特長も持っています。
2402 , 2404 , 2405 - audioheritage.org
The 2404 is nice if you like wide dispersion in both planes. The 2402 is really for sound reinforcement use. JBL used it in the old days because they hadn't come up with anything better yet. I have all three, 2402, 2404, and 2405. I use in my system the 2404 and 2402, and the 2402 bullet is VERY loud and also beamy.
JBL 2404H Ultra-High Frequency Tweeter With Bi-Radial Horn
About The Item: The listed price is for the single JBL 2404H Ultra-High Frequency Tweeter With Bi-Radial Horn. It is sold as a single, as displayed. It has been previously used and exhibit signs of use such as scratches, scuffs, dings, dents, dust, dirt, …
Are the 2402, 2404 and 2423 the same except the lens?
2021年2月14日 · All three choices are aftermarket replacements - the Simply Speakers one is made to look like an original JBL part, but the fine print says discontinued and use D-2404, which is their aftermarket diaphragm. The other two look …
JBL 2404H Low Output - audioheritage.org
Now the 2404H has a 105db rating which should make it hotter, it is not. After removing the lense, I found an aftermarket pair of diaphragms. Could this be the cause of the low output? The DCR is about 6.4 ohms which tells me these should be 8 ohm impedance. They look exactly like THESE on ebay with the same number.