JBL 2409H HF Driver, 5043243X - The Speaker Exchange
Brand new genuine JBL 2409H Driver, 5043243X; High-frequency transducer with low-mass annular diaphragm; Used in JBL models: LSR705i, LSR708i, 708P & more; 8 Ohm
Looking for opinions on the JBL 2409H compression driver
2023年4月17日 · Looking for opinions on the JBL 2409H 2409-1 compression driver used in their new 4309 and 708P active monitors. I am thinking about using this in a LeCleach horn from 6K and Up.... Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
JBL 2409H - diyAudio
2015年6月3日 · Have any DIY'ers got their hands on the new JBL 2409H compression tweeter. Could be a nice driver for a multi way horn setup?
HIFIDIY论坛-JBL 2301+2410经典小蜂巢并联LE175+2305
2020年11月28日 · JBL 蜂巢号角就有2款,要么大蜂巢,要么小蜂巢,小蜂巢有几款,它们大小一样,就是固定方式不一样,它是1976年的老古董,原来外观有些掉漆,现已精工翻新,重新喷上正确颜色的灰黑漆。 看起来很棒。 我这里有2对2301小蜂巢,也有3对2410钢磁驱动头与之搭配。 所有2410均全原装,百分百质检,这种铝膜类音膜驱动头如2420 2410 LE175 LE85 它们的音膜是否原装状态好至关重要,这一张音膜有出入就能决定声音好坏,而且音膜早已停产,重金难寻。 …
HIFIDIY论坛-玩号角高音的一点心得分享 - Powered by Discuz!
jbl2447的功率150w说明书要求功放功率要200w以上,所谓“甲类”功放推不动没法听,同样10寸中音以前用ppx450也推着没有力度,换高峰力度就好了。 所以功放搭配上一定功率要足才可以,以前还看到过用集成电路功放推18寸的说没有低音、声音发干的,您的功放功率不够啊,声音当然不会好。 4、调频响曲线:经常看到说用号角吵、冲、哄头的,您的频响调平了没? 号角的灵敏度都要100db以上甚至110db,直接替换普通高音喇叭使用高出10-20多db不吵才怪呢,播放粉红 …
jbl 2409 - diyAudio
2019年10月16日 · Does anyone have a spec sheet&frequency response chart for the 2409 driver? Where can you buy,and what is the price? Thanks-RUDY
jbl 2409h - audioheritage.org
Does any member have a spec sheet& frequency response chart for the jbl 2409h driver? Where can you buy and whats the price? Thanks -Rudy
demanding production applications. The JBL 2409H high-frequency compression driver incorporates an innovative low-mass annular diaphragm to deliver smooth response beyond 36 kHz, with extraordinary output and very low distortion. The 728G low-frequency transducer leverages JBL patented Differential Drive® technology to reduce power
JBL 大师系列 标志性的高频压缩驱动器+号角结构 - 知乎
而JBL大师系列所使用的是搭载 新型低聚合环形振膜的2409H高频压缩驱动器,加上专利波导号角技术, 可谓如虎添翼。 这一组合同时运用在JBL的专业电影院音箱中,除了让大师系列的 高频延伸强劲(达到36kHz)之外,水平和垂直扩散范围更大、 离轴响应 更优,而且分频点可以设置得更低,更好地与中低频衔接,使得整体的频响曲线更加平滑。 这是JBL的核心专利技术,也是大师系列能被称为新一代或跨时代监听音箱的主要原因。 它难以被模仿和超越的原因在于,要做一 …
2409H: DRIVER, Jbl | $798.00–$3550.00 - audioproequip.com
Condition is New, JBL Professional 708P 8-inch Bi-Amplified Self-Powered Master Reference Studi..., FREE SHIPPING: 98.4%: Details: $3550.00: Condition is New, (PAIR) JBL 708P 7 Series 8 inch Powered Studio Monitors PAIR, shipping cost = $222.80: 100.0%: 2409H in Used Condition; photo price summary
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