SETRC (Set the job step return code) - IBM
Use the SETRC function to set the job step return code to a specified value. Use conditional parameters to set the return code based on an existing return code value. Defines the numeric value that the job step return code is set to.
How to change the return code of a step? - IBM Mainframe …
2005年11月30日 · //setrc set rc='2' you are setting a variable named RC equal to the value 2. You can then use this variable somewhere in the JCL, and the value you specified in your SET statement will be substituted:
Return Code Setting by Job Control - IBM
It is also possible to have return codes set by job control itself. Both parameters require a decimal value n in the range of 0 through 4095 (inclusive). The SET parameter RC=n sets the last return code ($RC) to the specified decimal value. It also updates the maximum return code ($MRC) if it is not set or less than the specified value.
How to set Return code of a JCL step to Zero - IBM Mainframe …
2005年7月7日 · 1) divide your steps in two jcl 2) try(but you must to know how many dd can you allocate with your profile) to use a rexx code to call your program and then set the EXIT RC as you need. Back to top
Examples of the JOBRC parameter - IBM
This specification indicates to use the return code of the last executed step as the completion code for the job. Use the return code for the C step in the HLASM procstepname as the completion code for the job.
How to set return code of whole job to 0 ? - JCL - IBM Mainframe …
2015年1月2日 · JCL cannot set the RC for the entire job. It can only set it for the current step within a job. You cannot retroactivly modify the RC of a previous step.
How to set a return code - JCL - IBM Mainframe Forum
2010年2月3日 · Which program or utility are you wanting to use to set the return code? by skolusu » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:10 pm. Here is a sample DFSORT Job which will set a return code of 4 if the string 'NOT RECEIVED' is NOT found in the input file. by samurai007 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:44 am. First of all, thanks a lot for the sample code. It worked perfectly.
JCL - Examples - JCL Tutorial - IBMMainframer
INREC OVERLAY operation is used in order to rewrite data in input file before copying to output. Example 7: Adding Header/Trailer to output file. SORT FIELDS=COPY. OUTFIL REMOVECC, HEADER1=(1:C'HDR',11:X'020200825C'), TRAILER1=(1:C'TRL',TOT=(11,9,PD,TO=PD,LENGTH=5)) TOT calculates the number of …
Return Value to JCL (Batch Job) from REXX. - CLIST & REXX
2012年8月20日 · I have a REXX code which is invoked by a JCL/ Batch program. I would like to return a value from REXX to the Batch program. How can I get it done.Appriciate your help. Thanks,
setrc in ICETOOLs - narkive
step. For example, at following JCL. The step1 RC is 12 which 12 is normal as output file is empty. at step STEP101 we add header/tailor record for the empty file. My problem is as step 1 RC is 12. So the whole job RC=12. But 12 is not acceptable for operation staffs. My question is how to set RC in step1 or job's RC. Your help is greatly ...