Viewing a thread - 4455 power shift JD - AgTalk
2017年11月26日 · Posted 12/8/2017 20:08 (#6415739 - in reply to #6398256) Subject: RE: 4455 power shift JD Gibsonville, NC I'm home from college (NC State ) for a few days and managed to take off the transmission oil pump.
Viewing a thread - 4455 losing coolant - AgTalk
2016年11月19日 · Cost me a bunch, JD didn't give a damm because it was 6-7 years after we did the OH before we ruined the engine. johnypop Posted 11/19/2016 20:44 (#5645475 - in reply to #5645257) Subject: RE: 4455 losing coolant
Viewing a thread - Changing JD 4455 mfwd seals - AgTalk
2016年1月22日 · Changing JD 4455 mfwd seals - 4020panther: 1/22/2016 14:34 RE: Changing JD 4455 mfwd seals - daddycal : 1/22/2016 15:24 RE: Changing JD 4455 mfwd seals - another round : 1/22/2016 17:08
Viewing a thread - JD 4455 or 7810 - AgTalk
2017年1月27日 · The ride will be better on 4455 over 7800 as they are similar to 86 series IH..The turning radius is better on 8100 over 7800 if set at 30in.I am also looking and the best buy is the 8100 just not a lot have 3ptos.I have had 7800/7810 and 4455 and the 4455 bring a premium to the others.I decent 8100MFD sold on auctiontime that was in our area and brought around $42K 1000 only PTO. no weights ...
Viewing a thread - JD 4455 hydraulic problems - AgTalk
Posted 5/14/2021 07:26 (#9004444 - in reply to #9003045) Subject: RE: JD 4455 hydraulic problems Minot ND sounds like the priority valve, on the three point housing, as your standing on the back of the tractor, on the right side where the main pressure comes in that fitting is the priority valve, you will probibly have to replace it.
Viewing a thread - JD 4455, hydraulic oil in engine question. - AgTalk
Posted 9/13/2017 21:36 (#6246588 - in reply to #6246145) Subject: RE: JD 4455, hydraulic oil in engine question. Fruita CO Not mentioned in the novel OLDIRON posted was the most likely cause, the steel-cased seal in the aluminum seal housing...the housing expands more than the seal & the seal just works loose.
Viewing a thread - Changing JD 4455 mfwd seals - AgTalk
2016年1月22日 · Center Valley Wisconsin: Got a 4455, 3200 original hours. Mfwd seals are still original and leaking. Is it a job I can do or do I need some jd special tools and a john deere tech school education. anything I should be awhere of, things …
Viewing a thread - JD 4455 load sensing shaft leaking oil. - AgTalk
Posted 4/22/2011 21:31 (#1739502 - in reply to #1739404) Subject: Re: JD 4455 load sensing shaft leaking oil. Mine were actually fixed spring of 2010, same deal bad seals from Deere. They warrantied them, I didn't give them a choice
Viewing a thread - jd 4455 autosteer?? - AgTalk
2010年4月6日 · Looking to put an autosteer system on a jd 4455 to pull a 12 row 30" jd planter. we run starfire itc on our 4830 sprayer. I was wondering if this would be the best setup for the 4455 as well, also do you need to buy the autosteer universal steering wheel or hook this through the hydraulics? cuz from my understanding the steering wheel isnt ...
Viewing a thread - oil pressure light JD 4455 - AgTalk
Posted 12/26/2013 22:05 (#3549593 - in reply to #3549546) Subject: Re: oil pressure light JD 4455 You can go a couple of different ways here. Run tractor for a full oil change period and sample again looking for any indication of bearing metals.