.257 or 6.5 JDJ - Long Range Hunting Forum
2023年1月27日 · I would like everyone’s thoughts and experiences with the .257 and 6.5 JDJ in both pistols and carbines. I know this is the specialty pistol section but I...
30-06 Chamber Wildcats - Long Range Hunting Forum
2014年5月7日 · Hello I just bought a new Mossberg Patriot 22" 1 in 10 twist 30-06, I've been thinking about rechambering it to 30-06 Ackley Improved, 30-06 JDJ, or other 30-06 wildcat/clambering. I want to still be able to use factory 30-06 Springfield ammunition if need be. I don't know if you could do that...
375 jdj | Long Range Hunting Forum – Expert Gear Reviews
2015年11月30日 · My JDJ shoots 260 grain accubonds a legitimate sub MOA at 100 yards with a stiff charge of H4895, and a CCI LRP. I haven't used any other bullet for this caliber for the last 5 years.
375 jdj | Long Range Hunting Forum – Expert Gear Reviews
2013年2月21日 · Hi Tom, Congrats on your 375 JDJ. I think you will find this cartridge capable of handling a multitude of hunting tasks. I've been shooting a 375 JDJ since the early 70's. For deer-sized game, Hornady's 220 gr. flat point or their 225 gr. sp work well. For larger game like elk or moose, Hornady's 270 gr. sp has been effective. Should you have the desire/opporunity for dangerous game, the 375 ...
338 JDJ#2 info, data, dies? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年3月6日 · Anyone here with any experience/info on the 338 JDJ#2? I have a 309, but just picked up a 338 #2. Just looking for any experience, load data, and if possible a set of dies!
375 JDJ reloading - Long Range Hunting Forum
2023年3月12日 · I've had a .375 JDJ since it's inception. I use 220, 225, 270 Horn., 250 Sierras. I loaded them all over AA2520. If you'd like my load data PM me or [email protected]
6.5 270 jdj - Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年4月24日 · IIRC, the 6.5/.270 JDJ is a proprietary cartridge developed by J.D. Jones of SSK industries. The shoulders are moved forward significantly (shorter neck) and the shoulder angle is also far greater than that of 6.5-06. He's got quite a few wildcats.
338-06 JDJ - Long Range Hunting Forum
2025年1月17日 · 16.5 inch SS SSK, 338-06 JDJ Encore pistol barrel with built in muzzle brake. Includes set of dies ($200), 25 pieces of brass. Note foreend screw spacing is for pistol foreend, but also legal rifle barrel. Shoots 200 SST at 2350 …
8mm JDJ Contender - Long Range Hunting Forum
2015年12月21日 · Thinking about getting a contender w/ 14" stainless SSK barrel in 8mm JDJ. Has anyone had this caliber or worked with one. Would like to know if it is worth the effort to make brass and pay for SSK dies. The price for the gun my …
6.5 jdj - Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年2月5日 · Found a TC contender at a shop today in 6.5 JDJ. Stainless frame, barrel, base and rings. 3 rings at that. Simmons 2-7x 30something scope. 70 something loaded rounds 30 something fire formed empty cases. holster, a reloading manual (not sure which one wasn't really interested at the moment) 3...