CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder - Wikipedia
The CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder (Urdu: جے ایف-17 گرج), or FC-1 Xiaolong (Chinese: 枭龙; pinyin: Xiāo Lóng; lit. 'Fierce Dragon'), is a fourth-generation, [1] lightweight, single-engine, multirole combat aircraft developed jointly by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of China. [2]
梟龍戰機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
梟龍戰機(FC-1,Fighter China-1 [3] ),巴基斯坦称之为JF-17雷電(Joint Fighter-17 Thunder),是中國 成都飛機公司與 巴基斯坦航空綜合企業 ( 英语 : Pakistan Aeronautical Complex ) 合作研製的以空對空作战为主、兼有较强空对地作战能力的全天候轻型多用途战斗 …
FC-1战斗机 - 百度百科
FC-1战斗机(英文:FC-1/JF-17 fighter aircraft;中国代号:枭龙;巴基斯坦编号:JF-17,绰号:Thunder,译文:雷电;研发初期曾称:超-7),是20世纪90年代末期中国和巴基斯坦共同投资、中国航空工业集团有限公司所属成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司、成都飞机 ...
枭龙战机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月15日 · 枭龙战机 (FC-1,Fighter China-1 [3]), 巴基斯坦 称之为 JF-17雷电 (Joint Fighter-17 Thunder),是 中国 成都飞机公司 与 巴基斯坦航空综合企业 (英语:Pakistan Aeronautical Complex) 合作研制的以空对空作战为主、兼有较强空对地作战能力的全天候轻型多用途战斗机,并配有同型双座战斗/教练机。 也标志着巴国航空工业除了保养和教练机外,首次拥有自己的军事生产线。
Everything To Know About Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jet
2024年9月29日 · Here's everything you need to know about Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder fighter jet. The JF-17 is a 4.5-generation fighter, making it comparable to the newest models of the F-15, F-16, MiG-35,...
JF-17 Thunder: Did You Know China & Pakistan Teamed Up To …
2024年3月19日 · Pakistan and China developed the JF-17 Thunder as a 4th-gen multirole fighter to replace outdated aircraft. This project was born from US sanctions on Pakistan and China, resulting in shared costs and MoU in 1995. The JF-17 Thunder is used in combat against terrorist groups in Pakistan and retaliatory strikes against India.
JF-17: Did China and Pakistan Just Build Their Very Own
2025年2月2日 · The JF-17 Thunder, a joint Pakistan-China fighter, boasts AESA radar, modern avionics, and nuclear capability. But can it truly compete with U.S. F-16 and F-15 fighters? Key Points and Summary: The JF-17 Thunder, developed by Pakistan and China, is being upgraded to Block III, featuring AESA radar, advanced EW systems, and fly-by-wire controls ...
Avionics - CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder
JF-17 has quadruplex, digital, fly-by-wire flight control system and two hydraulic systems for backup. A Chinese radar KLJ-7 has been selected for the initial batch of JF-17s. KLJ-7 is a multi–function X-band Pulse-Doppler fire control radar.
原创|科普|龙族咆哮(中)——中巴FC-1/JF-17战机识别指南 - 知乎
枭龙双座型是搭配单座型使用的教练型飞机,目前尚不清楚其正式名称,但按照巴空军习惯可能被称为 JF-17 B。 双座型与单座型在外观上除了增加一个座位外还进行了多处改进,例如,垂尾改为后掠式,后缘不再是垂直而是向后倾斜;腹鳍形状进行了改动;前起落架照明灯改为与歼-20相同的LED光源。 需要指出的是,双座型枭龙的座舱盖使用了侧向打开方式,这可能是出于控制成本的考虑。 就在双座型枭龙01号机首飞后不久,02号机也完成了首次飞行。
JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jet Specs, Cockpit, and Price
JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jet Specs, Cockpit, and Price – JF-17 Thunder or FC-1 Xiaolong is a single-engine, multi-role light fighter aircraft developed jointly by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC) and Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC). JF-17 fighter planes were built primarily to meet the needs of the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) and ...