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Providers | Program Standards - BOLD Beginning
The Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rules detail the requirements for programs participating in SUTQ. The rules outline the program standards which include four domains: The following link takes you to SUTQ rule 5101:2-17-01 which includes the program standards. SUTQ Standards .
Forms - Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
The case manager or applicant must document on the JFS 13188 or JFS 13186 which specific elements of eligibility are being attested (e.g., age, birthdate, authorization to work, income, barrier to employment, etc.) and how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
Changes have been made to the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rules and standards to reduce the administrative burden and assist programs in achieving and maintaining their SUTQ rating. This document outlines the changes to SUTQ forms that are effective April 15, 2022.
Rules and Forms - Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Guide to Public Participation in the Rule-Making Process. Child Care Forms. The most recent version of all DCY Forms referenced in Chapters 12 through 18, can be accessed through Forms Central. Information for childcare rules and relevant forms.
日本钢铁联盟标准JFS1 - 百度文库
1.本标准为由日本钢铁联盟在日本各大钢铁企业与日本汽车行业间协调后所制订的适用于汽车结构用双面等厚或差厚的合金化热镀锌钢板及钢带标准。 产品的镀层上形成锌与铁的合金层,主要由δ1相 (铁含量7~15%)组成。 C、仅进行热镀锌的钢板、带称为单层镀,当在热镀层上再电镀铁基合金时称为双层镀,此时在锌层代号后加注字母M, (例55M/30M)。 该上镀层的附着量及组成由供需双方商定,通常的组成为Fe60~80%、Zn20~40%或Fe99.8%、P0.2%,附着量通常 …
Hamilton County OH Job and Family Services
To search for a state form, use the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Forms Central. In order to assist us in processing your documents, please put your name and social security or case number on all documents you submit. The easiest and most efficient way to submit document is by visiting your local library.
Program Standards, Rules and Forms - Ohio
These rules detail the requirements for participation and outline the program standards.
System Guides - Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
These guides contain information and suggestions for systems that programs can implement to help achieve and maintain compliance with the most commonly cited serious risk non-compliances. Guides that give info on how to achieve and maintain compliance.
JFS Forms in Ohio SACWIS
You can view or print the JFS forms listed below from Ohio SACIWS. The steps for generating these depend on the type of document. See View or print a form, notice, or letter or View or print a standard report.
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