Johns Hopkins MHA? | Student Doctor Network
2017年2月22日 · Hey! I was accepted to the JHU MHA program and was wondering if anyone on SDN has any experience with the program? Is the curriculum too fast paced? Or is it doable? (knowledge retention etc) What was your overall experience with the program? How is the career services at JHU? Strength of the...
How competitive is the JHU MHA program? - Student Doctor …
2010年11月15日 · I am applying to four schools for admission Fall 2011 including JHU (MHA), Columbia (MPH in Health Policy & Mgmt), VCU (MHA), and UNC (MHA). My top choice is JHU and I am also considering the possibility of taking a year off (to get more experience, try to get in again, etc) if I don't get in to any of my top choices.
MHA 2024: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2024年10月11日 · Looking forward to connecting and seeing what this year's MHA application cycle is looking like! I'll start off... School: University of California (UC) school GPA: 3.79 -- SOPHAS verified Major: B.S. Global and Community Health with a concentration in biomedical science Experience: 2 years in...
MHA 2022 MHA: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2022年1月4日 · I applied to JHU/Columbia MHA 2 weeks ago and have not received an interview, yet. Seems like many of you are getting acceptances, Congrats! Would this indicate whether spots are filled up and they're not interviewing anyone anymore? Any …
Johns Hopkins MHA | Student Doctor Network
2009年3月24日 · The MHA program is on quarters starting at the end of August (I believe the 27th, but could be wrong) with Orientation from the 24th-26th. To be more specific on the major components of the program, just in case some don't know, the academic coursework is finished in 9 months which is followed by 11 months at an administrative residency field ...
2019 MHA: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2019年2月7日 · Applied: JHU, UW Seattle, UMinn, UNC-Chapel Hill Interview: JHU, UW Seattle (March 8), UMinn (March 28th), UNC-Chapel Hill (March 25th) Waitlist: Rejected: Accepted: JHU Attending: Leaning towards JHU, undecided if I will attend all of the other interviews
2020 MHA: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2019年9月10日 · Applied: Yale (MPH in HCM), JHU (MHA), GWU (MHA), Columbia (MHA), USC (MHA), Dartmouth (MPH) I rescinded my applications at the last three schools before hearing back, since I was sure I wouldn't want to attend after doing more research/weighing options at the schools I had already been accepted to. Interview: JHU, Columbia, Dartmouth
2021 MHA: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2020年9月8日 · Applied: JHU, UMN, OSU, SLU Applied to all on 9/3/2020 (Hopkins received my application and verification within 24 hours) GWU 9/21/2020 VCU 9/22/2020 Xavier University 10/5/20 (Rescinded all apps and interviews except for JHU,Xavier and VCU) Interview:
MPH Should I decline the acceptance from JHU? - Student Doctor …
2014年2月13日 · Hi Everyone, I have got into several MPH programs, MPH@JHU, MHA@UNC-CH, and interdisciplinary MPH@ UC Berkeley, as well as MPH@ UW. The thing is that I don't have much financial means to support my graduate study as I have accumulated huge loans during my training. So it looks that a public...
2019 MHA: Applied, Interviewed, Rejected, Attending
2019年3月20日 · -The school where the MHA program is located will be under construction for the next few years so classes are taken at random locations throughout campus-A decent number of the MHA faculty are not great. Also, the program director is super nice but at times is a bit too involved with students' personal lives