Jean-Jacques Leroy | Yuri!!! on Ice Wikia | Fandom
Jean-Jacques Leroy (ジャン・ジャック・ルロワ Jan Jakku Rurowa), commonly referred to as JJ (his initials) by most people, is a character in Yuri!!! on Ice. He is a Canadian figure skater, the …
ユーリ!!! on ICE - Wikipedia
『ユーリ!!! on ICE』(ユーリ オン アイス、 YURI ON ICE)は、 久保ミツロウ と 山本沙代 の原案 [1][2] による 日本 の テレビアニメ 作品。 2016年10月から12月まで、 テレビ朝日 ほか …
TVアニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」公式サイト
久保ミツロウ×山本沙代×MAPPAによる、本格フィギュアスケートアニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」公式サイト。 前代未聞のフィギュアスケートグランプリシリーズが今、幕を開ける…
Jean-Jacques Leroy (Yuri!!! on Ice) - MyAnimeList.net
J.J. belongs to a figure skating family. His parents were Olympic champions of ice dancing, also his younger brother and sister play in the junior cup. He is the prime candidate for the GPF …
男が見ても十分おもしろい!「ユーリ!!! on ICE」感想 - Unread
Jan 15, 2017 · jjとはyoiに登場するカナダのジャン・ジャック・ルロワの愛称。 見る前にYOI視聴勢がこぞって「JJスタイル! 」とか言っていて未視聴からすればなんなんだ感があり、見 …
List of Yuri on Ice characters - Wikipedia
A 19-year-old Quebecois Canadian figure skater, Jean-Jacques, or "JJ", comes from a family of figure skaters. His parents were Olympic ice dance champions, who are also his coaches, and …
[yoi 勇利&JJ(非cp)] 听话的人 (181218 - 哔哩哔哩
[yoi/勇利 JJ(非cp)] 听话的人 上. 勇利知道JJ是有一次他在底特律特训的时候。那个时候他刚刚师从切列斯蒂诺,JJ才青年组而勇利刚好升上成年组一年多一点。如果说是现在看来JJ要比勇 …
Isabella Yang | Yuri!!! on Ice Wikia | Fandom
Isabella Yang (イザベラ・ヤン Izabera Yan) is the fiancée of Jean-Jacques Leroy and a member of the JJ Girls fan club. Isabella is a considerably pale-skinned young woman with neck-length …
Yuri on Ice - Reddit
you guys lucked out with a MAPPA anime in terms of quality i’m sure. but that also means their insane amount of projects (which include the incredibly popular, highly demanding jjk series) …
thoughts on JJ : r/YOI - Reddit
Sep 27, 2020 · JJ is like a hockey bro who showed up for the wrong lessons at the skating rink and didn't want to admit he made a mistake. I didn't like him at first but he grew on me. There …
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