JK-13 security droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The JK-13 security droid, unofficially known as the "Jedi Killer," was a JK-series security droid manufactured on the planet Ord Cestus. These droids rose to prominence during a time when they were threatened to be converted into combat droids .
JK-13 Security Droid | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
Cestus Cybernetic's infamous "Jedi Killer" Security Droids are of grave concern to the Republic because of the threat they pose to the Jedi commanders of the Grand Army- and, early in the war, rumors circulate that Count Dooku intends to purchase thousands of them for use in the Separatist army.
Mission to Ord Cestus | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Mission to Ord Cestus was an operation by the Galactic Republic to cease the production of JK-13 "Jedi Killer" droids that were to be sold to the CIS and represented a threat to the survival of the Jedi Order. The mission was led by Generals Obi …
(CIS Droid Army) “Jedi Killer” Bio-Droid Almost ENDED the ... - YouTube
The JK-13 is a bio-droid, a Jedi Killer, and something that terrified the Jedi Order and the Republic at the opening of the Clone Wars. See how this droid...
JK-13 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
JK-13 was a Separatist JK-13 security droid that was captured by the Galactic Republic. During testing, it was able to defeat a droideka and ARC trooper Sirty, although it was defeated by Jedi Master Kit Fisto.[1]
JK-13 Security Droid - Star Wars Saga Edition
2024年8月25日 · The rumor ultimately proves to be an elaborate ruse to lure The Jedi into a trap; the JK-13's organic processor incorporates a Force-sensitive dashta eel, which is driven mad when it is made to use lethal force- obviously making them all but useless on the battlefield.
JK-13 security droid | Great Multiverse Wiki | Fandom
The JK-13 security droid, unofficially known as the "Jedi Killer," was a JK-series security droid manufactured on the planet Ord Cestus. These droids rose to prominence during a time when they were threatened to be converted into combat droids. The JK …
JK-13计重桌秤-健坤企业 - ahjkgy.com
JK-13 security droid | Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki
The JK-13 security droid, unofficially known as the "Jedi Killer," was a JK-series security droid manufactured on the planet Ord Cestus. These droids rose to prominence during a time when they were threatened to be converted into combat droids.
JK-13-Leibwächterdroide | Jedipedia | Fandom
Die JK-13 Leibwächterdroiden, auch Jedi-Killer genannt oder schlicht JK abgekürzt, sind Biodroiden, die vorwiegend als Leibwächter eingesetzt werden. Sie hätten den Klonkriegen eine Wendung geben können, da diese Droiden auf Grund ihrer blitzschnellen Tentakel sehr effektiv im Kampf gegen die Jedi waren, was auch zu ihrem Namen beitrug.
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