Japan Meteorological Agency - 気象庁
JICA Group Training Program, Reinforcement of Meteorological Services (24 September - 11 December 2024)
気象庁 Japan Meteorological Agency
防災展示アイデアコンクール ~国土交通大臣賞や気象庁長官賞など受賞作品が決定~
Japan Meteorological Agency - 気象庁
Climate of Japan; Oceanographic Observation; State of the Ocean Climate; Atmospheric Environment; Oceanic Carbon Cycle; Sea Waves Around Japan / Western North Pacific
氣象廳 (日本) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
氣象廳機動調査班(日语: 気象庁機動調査班 / きしょうちょうきどうちょうさはん 、 英語: JMA Mobile Observation Team: JMA-MOT 」)成立於2008年(平成20年)10月17日,是在自然災害發生時,氣象廳派遣至受災地域周邊調查與解說現象的職員總稱 [8] 。
Japan Meteorological Agency - Wikipedia
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA; 気象庁, Kishō-chō) is a division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism dedicated to the scientific observation and research of natural phenomena. Headquartered in Minato, Tokyo the agency collects data on meteorology, hydrology, seismology, volcanology, and other related fields.
气象厅 (日本) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
气象厅机动调查班(日语: 気象庁機動調査班 / きしょうちょうきどうちょうさはん 、 英语: JMA Mobile Observation Team: JMA-MOT ”)成立于2008年(平成20年)10月17日,是在自然灾害发生时,气象厅派遣至受灾地域周边调查与解说现象的职员总称 [8] 。
Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) | HOME
The Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been operating a series of Geostationary Meteorological Satellites (GMSs) since 1978. Its images are contributing to prevent and mitigate several natural disasters.
JMA High-Resolution GSM Data Service
The Japan Meteorological Agency's Global Spectrum Model (GSM) is a global model with a resolution of 0.125 degrees (approximately 13 km). This website provides data from JMA's GSM at a resolution of 0.5 degrees (0.25 degrees for surface layers) on an operational basis. Users can access and retrieve the following forecast outputs:
Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) | Himawari Real-Time Image
True Color Reproduction (TCR) technology enables the display of earth images taken from space in a way that is familiar to the human eye. The imagery consists of data from three visible bands (Band 1, 2 and 3), one near-infrared band (Band 4) and one infrared band (Band 13).
気象庁|過去の気象データ検索 - data.jma.go.jp
過去の気象データ検索. 令和6年6月3日にお知らせした2020年平年値の第4版の一部誤りを修正し、第4.0.1版として公開、利用を開始しましたのでお知らせします。