Developing Hypertension Guidelines: An Evolving Process
2014年2月26日 · JNC 3 continued to define therapeutic goals on the basis of diastolic blood pressure, reporting that “…evidence for elevated levels of systolic blood pressure awaits the results of ongoing clinical trials.” 3 Nevertheless, classification of blood pressure acknowledged the importance of systolic blood pressure . Nonpharmacological therapy ...
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JNC高血压指南36年沧桑路 - medlive.cn
JNC 3中,监测血压时不再仅关注单次测量值,而是详细区分首次诊断和多次诊断,采用不同血压值分级确定血压监测的方法和时间,初步体现了血压动态管理概念。 JNC 4仍延续了JNC 3的血压分级标准。 卢新政教授指出,该标准中DBP分级在前且细致、SBP分级在后且相对粗简,更强调DBP的重要性,JNC 5则有了较大改变。 JNC 5将血压分级调整为SBP在前、DBP在后,强调了SBP的重要性。
Abstract 24: From JNC 1 to JNC 8: Population Impact and Cost ...
2015年3月4日 · JNC guidelines were simplified into four periods based on treatment targets: JNC 1-3 (DBP <90 mmHg), JNC 4 (DBP < 90mmHg or isolated SBP <160mmHg), JNC 5-7 [<130/80 mmHg for diabetes and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD); BP <140/90 mmHg for all others] and JNC 8 (BP<140/90 mmHg for diabetes and/or CKD or <60 years old; BP <150/90mmHg for ≥60 ...
The 1984 report of the Joint National Com-mittee (JNC) on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure was published in the May issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.1 This is the third Joint National Committee report (JNC III).
2019年12月25日 · 1984年诞生的JNC 3,首次对SBP进行分级,SBP<140mmHg为正常,140~159mmHg为临界性单纯收缩期高血压,≥160mmHg为单纯收缩期高血压。 这时已非常关注高血压危险因素、合并症及靶器官损害。 降压治疗使用噻嗪类利尿药作为基础降压药,必要时联合β受体阻滞药、血管紧张素转换酶抑制药(ACEI)及钙拮抗药(CCB),降压达标后半年至1 年实行降阶梯疗法。 1988年发布了JNC 4,其延续JNC3的血压分级标准。 在诊断上要明确是原 …
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HTN Trials - SALT
In elderly patients with isolated systolic HTN, JNC 3 recommended first recommending sodium reduction and weight loss. If treatment was decided upon, it recommended first treating to a SBP of 140-160mmHg and, if this was tolerated, treating to a SBP <140mmHg.
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