The Impact of JNC-VI Guidelines on Treatment Recommendations in …
2002年4月1日 · Using epidemiological and clinical trial evidence, the sixth report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI) updated previous guidelines to suggest that in addition to blood pressure, decisions on initial treatment should emphasize absolute cardiovascular disease risk.
JNC VI guidelines - The Lancet
The JNC VI lacks clear, explicit, or rigorous definitions of the compelling indications and, more problematically, of the may-have-favourable-effects special indications. Contrary to the claims by Norman Kaplan and Lee Green, this approach places these parts of the JNC VI closer to consensus-based guidelines.
The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention ...
THE PURPOSE of the "Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure" (JNC VI) is to provide guidance for primary care clinicians. The committee recognizes that the responsible clinician's judgment of the individual patient's needs remains paramount.
Nội dung chính của hướng dẫn tăng huyết áp theo JNC 6
2021年11月24日 · Tăng huyết áp theo JNC 6 là báo cáo thứ 06 được công bố bởi Ủy ban hỗn hợp quốc gia về phòng ngừa, phát hiện, đánh giá và điều trị bệnh cao huyết áp (JNC VI). Hướng dẫn này giúp các bác sĩ cải thiện việc phát hiện, điều trị và kiểm soát bệnh huyết áp cao.
Overview of JNC VI: new directions in the management of …
1999年8月1日 · JNC VI makes several changes from the previous JNC V to assist physicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and improved management of patients with hypertension. These changes include reporting adult blood pressure in two …
Overview of JNC VI: new directions in the management of
JNC VI makes several changes from the previous JNC V to assist physicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and improved management of patients with hypertension. These changes include reporting adult blood pressure in two new ways, via staging and risk factor classification.
Hypertension - PubMed
The current JNC-VI criteria for diagnosis and classification of hypertension are discussed. The laboratory evaluation of both essential and secondary hypertension is examined, and recommendations are made in this regard.
Treatment of hypertension: insights from the JNC-VI report
1998年10月15日 · The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI) provides updated guidelines for the treatment of hypertension. Antihypertensive drug therapy may be initiated either after a trial of lifestyle modifications or immedi …
Treatment of Hypertension: Insights from the JNC–VI Report
Based on the recognition of our currently inadequate management of hypertension, the sixth report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood...
JNC VI: Process, Product and Potential - AAFP
1998年1月15日 · JNC VI is an evidence-based clinical policy statement, developed with explicit concern for usefulness to primary care physicians. A full-scale explicit-methodology policy on hypertension would...