Work with the JPEO-CBRND on providing solutions that protect the joint force and the warfighter from weapons of mass destruction. Help us achieve our vision of a resilient joint force that's enabled to fight and win unencumbered by CBRN environments.
Sharpening the Tip of the Spear: USSOCOM Experiment Yields ... - JPEO …
2023年12月10日 · UIPE FOS GP is an Acquisition Category I program and will replace the legacy joint service lightweight integrated suit technology (JSLIST) that must be worn on top of a service member’s duty uniform.
Joint Project Managers & Joint Project Leads - jpeocbrnd.osd.mil
Mr. Gietka is the Joint Project Lead for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Integration (JPL CBRN Integration), delivering integrated, layered CBRN defense across combined, and Joint All-Domain Operations for the Joint Program Executive …
2024年8月26日 · 美军化学、生物、放射和核防御联合项目执行办公室(Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense,JPEO-CBRND)牵头组织了针对CBRN威胁的自动化、集成化检测系统的原型设计及现场测试项目,该项目名为“化生核放传感器整合机器人平台 ...
Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological
Meet the Uniform Integrated Protective Ensemble Family of Systems General Purpose (UIPE FoS GP). 👋 The UIPE (pronounced "you-whip-ee") is a multi-piece protective suit that warfighters wear...
DVIDS - Images - RDAX CBRN Experiment
2023年12月10日 · A service member participates in a simulated CBRN training scenario during RDAX Dragon Spear 2023. The service member wears the uniform integrated protection ensemble family of systems general...
Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble (UIPE) Increment I (I …
2014年9月6日 · The UIPE goal is to increase warfighter operational performance in a CBRN environment through critical examination of threat data, emerging technologies, and user tradespace while seeking to balance factors like protection, heat stress, durability, antimicrobial properties, launderability, self–detoxification, protection time, etc…
2017年7月31日 · JSAM-JSF is being co-developed with the aircraft cockpit and will provide JSF (F-35) pilots with above-the-neck percutaneous, ocular and respiratory protection. The UIPE FoS program will develop,...
SAMDaily.us | SNOTE | 84 | Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble (UIPE …
2022年2月9日 · Description. The UIPE FoS Air program will provide the Warfighter percutaneous protection from operationally relevant traditional and non-traditional Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) threats for tactical/ejection seat, Rotary Wing, and non-ejection Fixed Wing platforms supporting the United States Air Force (USAF), United ...
Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble (UIPE) Family of
The UIPE FoS Air program will provide the Warfighter percutaneous protection from operationally relevant traditional and non-traditional Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) threats for tactical/ejection seat, Rotary Wing, and non-ejection Fixed Wing platforms supporting the United States Air Force (USAF), United States Navy (USN ...