JR Steel - Home
JR Steel Reinforcing, Inc. is your go-to construction service for steel reinforcement solutions, specializing in swimming pools. AWARD-WINNING SUBCONTRACTOR WITH 35+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE STEEL SUBCONTACTOR FOR POOLS - CALL US TODAY (714) 420-2748
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As a premier steel reinforcing subcontractor, JR Steel Reinforcing, Inc. has been providing unmatched service, quality, and value to our customers since our establishment in 2002. We are a top-tier, award-winning subcontractor and have achieved recognition as a …
Contact Us - JR Steel
Contact us today to discuss your project and to see how JR Steel can help make it a success! AWARD-WINNING SUBCONTRACTOR WITH 35+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE STEEL SUBCONTACTOR FOR POOLS - CALL US TODAY (714) 420-2748
Steel sub-grades indicate the Charpy impact value required to prevent brittle fracture. Comparing to JR, J0 & J2 quality steels are able to exhibit the same level of ductility (ie, absorbing 27J impact energy) at lower temperatures (ie, 0°C & -20°C).
Jr. Francia Nro. 1173 - La Victoria - Lima; HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN. Atención de oficina: Lun – Vie: 08:00 am – 01:00 pm y 02:00 pm - 06:30 pm; Atención de almacén: Lun – Vie: 08:30 am – 12:30 pm y 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Home | JR Steel
Fast, efficient, and honest, JR Steel has become a reputable and well-known Metal Fabrication Service. Our team is up for every job, managing projects with the skill and experience our clients have come to expect.
Anvil Steel / Junior Steel
Anvil Steel along with our sister company, Junior Steel, provide timely and cost-effective fabrication and erection services both domestically and internationally. With 6 locations and over 15,000+ completed projects, we have established ourselves as the largest and most trusted steel fabricator and erector in Southern California as well as one ...
J & R Steel Welding LLC
Welcome to our website where you can learn more about our expertise in steel erection, precast wall panel installation, and metal deck installation. With over 20 years of experience, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality and reliable services to our clients.
JRJ Steel | Steel Metals and Plastics for sale in Texas
JRJ Steel provides various metals in many shapes, alloys, & sizes for consumers & businesses. We provide a wide range of engineering plastics, which are predominantly used for mechanical applications and components of industrial machines. We have cutting tools of the highest quality.
S235JR钢板是什么材质?S235JR钢板对应国内什么材质? - 知乎
1、 S235JR钢板 是属于欧洲的标准的普通碳素结构钢板对应国标 Q235B. 2、S235JR钢板的牌号表示: “S”:表示欧标普通碳素结构钢; “235”:表示屈服强度为235,单位MPa; “JR”:表示常温冲击. 3、S235JR钢板执行标准:执行 EN10025 标准. 4、S235JR钢板交货状态:热轧、控轧、正火等,也可根据技术要求指定交货状态。 5、S235JR钢板厚度方向性能要求: Z15 、 Z25 、 Z35。 6、S235JR钢板常规尺寸:厚度8-420mm,宽度1600-4020mm,长度9000-18800mm …