Jack-7 top 15 moves with gifs : r/Tekken - Reddit
2018年4月1日 · When Jack-7 is low on life, he gains access to one of the better Rage Drives in the game- A followup to the Debugger, done by pressing 2. Not only this makes the Debugger much stronger on hit, but also safe on block. Having a big damaging safe on block low is great for allowing Jack-7 to make comebacks. Just be careful of getting low parried.
Weekly Tekken 7 Discussion: Jack-7 : r/Tekken - Reddit
2017年1月23日 · Jack-7 relies on few moves to play a solid defensive keepout game while chipping away at the opponent's health and whiff punishing anything that misses its mark Notable Players Anakin (ATL Hoaluu)
Are there any good Jack 7 guides? : r/Tekken - Reddit
2020年6月16日 · FC db1 is pretty weird to use as a new Jack player, but you will learn how to use it after playing Jack more. Your ff1, df1, df4 (12f mid) are your main mid pokes. Don't bother yourself too much with learning ff1 into spark hcfdf1, it's …
Jack-7 for Beginners(?) : r/Tekken - Reddit
2023年5月4日 · r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
Labbing against Jack-7 : r/Tekken - Reddit
2019年4月18日 · JACK 7 QUICK OVERVIEW SSR upclose or unless D/B+1 is suspected, must SSL to beat it. SSL against Ff+1. Very strong turtle game. Good tracking overall. D/F+2 has very long range SSL to beat Ff+1 and SSR to beat Jacks d/f+2. Season 2 jack has less tracking on Ff+1 so sidestepping left is effective vs Ff+1 abuse.
How to pressure opponent with Jack-7 : r/Tekken - Reddit
Jack has a good throw game, but he ain't a grappler. He's a fortress that throws out long range pokes and whiff punishes. Generally speaking, you want to sustain a life lead with jack and annoy people with quick lows and plus frame moves like ff1. You open people up with the same moves but mix in some throws in there.
RE7 help (avoiding Jack) : r/residentevil - Reddit
2021年5月2日 · Im playing the bit in the main house/main hall and the first place I opened was the bathroom and Jack now is chasing me everywhere. I've opened the hidden passage way with the shadow puzzle, but I still want to watch Mia's tape. Everytime I try to get back to the rec room though Jack is at the door and I can't get past him.
RE7: How Does Jack Baker Come Back in a Human Form (End of …
2020年12月13日 · In the End of Zoe DLC in Resident Evil 7 towards the end, Jack Baker comes back in a semi-human form. Last we found him he was a disgusting massive creature, so how did he transform back to being a humanoid? He lost most of his body and seemingly head when he was killed with a chainsaw in the middle of the normal story.
What's the input for this Jack-7 move? : r/Tekken - Reddit
2020年9月24日 · r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene.
WBP Jack 7.62. Thoughts? : r/ak47 - Reddit
2022年11月14日 · Most AKs are going to be over gassed, it’s just what the AK does. As others have already pointed out, there’s plenty of ways to work around it if it’s an issue for you when you get your rifle. With that said, the Jack is an excellent …