Home - Junior Achievement Hong Kong
As one of the world’s largest youth-serving NGOs, JA Worldwide inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. For 100+ years, JA has delivered hands-on, immersive learning in career readiness, entrepreneurship and financial health. We create pathways for employability, job creation, and financial success.
首頁 - Junior Achievement Hong Kong - JAHK Revamp 2023
作為全球最大青年服務機構之一,青年成就 (JA)致力啓發年青人為未來全球經濟發展做好準備。 成就青年自1919年成立至今,JA透過實踐及體驗式學習,發展年青人的事業準備、創業精神及健康理財。 JA 課程幫助年青人提升就業能力,創造工作機會及取得經濟成就。 JA以商界義工就事業準備的分享,如影子工作、線上測試,建立商業解決方案,助年青人升學或未來的作做好準備。 透過JA創業實踐活動,年青人組成團隊開發創新產品或服務,為創業融資,推銷產品,交付成品, …
About Us - Junior Achievement Hong Kong - JAHK Revamp 2023
JA delivers hands-on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship, career readiness and financial health, inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. Since our establishment in 2001, we have engaged the support of over 32,000 business volunteers to serve more than 480,000 students from over 600 schools.
JA「展才‧啟夢」青年計劃 - JAHK
歡迎你瀏覽 JA 展才‧啟夢網上平台! 這個結合互動活動及網上自主學習的創新課程,旨在協助年輕人作自我探索,為日後千變萬化的職業選擇和工作環境作好準備。 你可以在這網站參與有趣而資訊豐富的潛能探索測試,以了解適合自己的事業方向。 這項測試大約需時15至20分鐘。 你也可以透過展才履歷工具簡單易用的欄目和範本,建立以優點為本的履歷表。 當你進入新的學業階段後,仍可持續善用這項工具,添加最新的學習經歷,以豐富個人檔案的内容,讓你在追尋學業或事業 …
bE inspired! Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition 2024/25
Junior Achievement (JA) is dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in the global economy, through our applied learning programs in career readiness, entrepreneurship and financial health. JA HK is one of the 100+ members of JA Worldwide, and a leading provider of Other Learning Experiences in Hong Kong.
Junior Achievement Hong Kong | LinkedIn
JA is a charitable organisation dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in the global economy.
JA “My Strength My Future”
This site has been developed for participants in JA My Strength My Future, an innovative blended-learning initiative that aims to support young people’s self-exploration and enhance their readiness for tomorrow’s radically different jobs and workplaces.
JA 理財展人生計劃 - 主頁 - financepark.jahk.org
JA Company Programme - Junior Achievement Hong Kong - JAHK …
HSBC x JA Company Programme enables students’ all-rounded personal growth from creativity and entrepreneurial mindset, goal-setting, creative problem-solving, teamwork, communication, digital technology, to agility and resilience.
【支持學生創業 ♀️3月8-9日約定你... - Junior Achievement Hong Kong / JAHK
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」,集合逾1,800名中學生嘅創意,過百款自家設計嘅精美產品 現場仲有好多主題IG打卡位,即影即有,紀念明信片,以及一連串精彩嘅交流活動! 快啲記低日子嚟支持同學、嚟shopping、嚟玩啦! 【Support Student Entrepreneurs Join Us on March 8-9! The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up will showcase the ideas of over 1,800 secondary school students, featuring more than a hundred creative products!
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